  • 學位論文


The Control and Open of Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising :The View of Risk Managegment in Pharmaceutical Consumer

指導教授 : 鄭慧文教授


我國藥物廣告之管理係依藥事法相關規定辦理,廣告內容刊播前需經衛生主管機關核准,且處方藥廣告僅能登載於學術性醫療刊物;雖有如此嚴謹之規定,但民眾感受到的社會現況仍存在許多誇大不實、違法宣傳的違規藥物廣告,以民國100年為例,衛生主管單位所查處之違規藥物廣告達666件,探討其來源包括食品宣稱療效,或藥品誇大藥效,顯示藥物廣告之管理仍有諸多討論空間;另外,隨著科技之發展,資訊流通型式逐漸轉變,除電視、廣播及報章雜誌等傳統大眾傳播工具,網際網路亦是極為盛行之資訊傳播管道,並兼具廣告行銷之功能;復因醫藥產業競爭激烈,業者因應藥品銷售之需求,透過各種訊息傳播管道揭露藥品相關資訊,以達到刺激藥品銷售之目的,使藥物廣告朝多元化發展;則現行藥物廣告管理之模式,是否應隨醫藥環境的變化與產業發展的需求,與時俱進的適時調整與修正。 面對21世紀知識流通的時代,民眾有知的權利與渴望,藥物廣告具有訊息傳遞的功能,但藥物廣告受法規的層層限制,致合法藥物廣告的藥品資訊揭露不足,違法的藥物廣告大行其道,民眾之醫療保健知識多不如醫藥專業人員,常造成民眾因無知而受害,並誤導民眾形成錯誤觀念與認知,間接亦使合法藥物受拖累;對於現行處方藥廣告嚴格管制的管理模式,本研究透過問卷調查的方式,藉著分析醫藥消費者對於藥品的資訊來源、廣告認知及廣告需求等,從醫藥消費者風險管理觀點探討處方藥直效行銷廣告的管制與開放;從問卷調查資料顯示,網際網路已成為消費者重要的醫藥資訊來源,多數醫藥消費者希望具備基本醫藥常識與瞭解處方藥相關資訊,並贊同處方藥廣告透過大眾傳播媒體直接對一般民眾傳送。


The medicament advertisement in Taiwan was regulated by the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, requirements including the advertisement content should be approved by the health authority before publishing or broadcasting and the prescription drug advertisements should only be published on medical journals. Though the regulation is strict the publics are still experiencing an environment full of illegal and exaggerate medicine advertisements. During 2011, six hundred and sixty six illegal medicament advertisements were fined by the health authority, the violations categorized as food advertisements that claim therapeutic effects or drug advertisements that claim exaggerate therapeutic effects. These violations reveal that the administration of medicament advertisement should be discussed further. As media of information exchanging has been shifted as the technology developed further. Internet advertisement or marketing are now very popular information channel other than traditional channels such as television, radio, magazine and news paper. As the competition within medicament industries is vital, the companies use as many channels to provide the medical information of their products in order to increase the sales. Thus the medicament advertisements are now developed in variously ways. However, does the medicament advertisement administration adopts the change of the medical environment and follows the need of the industry ? In the information spreading twenty-first century, the public hold the right to know and thirst for knowledge. Under the strict administration of medicament advertisement, the information sharing function was greatly limited. The public suffers from lacking of proper and sufficient medical knowledge while the legal medicament advertisements do not contain satisfactory drug information and the illegale advertisements overflow on the market. This study conducted a questionnaire survey on the administration strictness of prescription drug advertisements, with analyzing the information sources, perspectives to advertisements, need for advertisements of the medicament consumers, the debate of whether to control or allow the direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs is discussed using risk-based management perspective for the medicament consumers. The result of the questionnaire survey concluded that the internet is an important source of medical information, the medicament consumers desired to equip themselves with more medical knowledge and learn more about the prescription drugs. It was also agreed that the prescription drug advertisements can be place on general mess media.


