  • 學位論文


Effects of the green tea drink with inulin supplement on blood lipid in hamster fed with high cholesterol diet

指導教授 : 謝明哲


本研究目的是探討含菊苣糖之綠茶飲料對於餵食高膽固醇飲食倉鼠之脂質代謝的影響。將32隻雄性倉鼠隨機分為四組:控制組(餵食無添加綠茶的實驗飼料);C1組(餵食每100 g飼料中添加1.75 g綠茶的實驗飼料);C2組(餵食每100 g飼料中添加2.75 g綠茶的實驗飼料);C3組(餵食每100 g飼料中添加4.13 g綠茶的實驗飼料)。實驗為期8週。結果發現:飲食中添加含有菊苣糖之綠茶時,可降低血漿總膽固醇、血漿三酸甘油酯、血漿低密度脂蛋白膽固醇,並改善肝臟三酸甘油酯堆積的情形;亦可顯著增加糞便中性固醇與膽酸的排出量。此外,藉由提高血漿總抗氧化能力,進而減少肝臟中脂質過氧化物的濃度。由研究結果推論,飲食中攝取含有菊苣糖之綠茶飲料,具有調整血脂質濃度、減少肝臟脂質堆積、提高體內抗氧化力等生理活性,因此認為可用於心血管疾病之預防與保健。


綠茶 菊苣糖 脂質代謝


The aim of this study was to inverstigate the effects of the green tea drink with inulin supplement on lipid metabolism in hamsters fed with high cholesterol diet.Thirty-two male hamsters were divided into four groups: the C1 group (high cholesterol diet + 1.75 green tea powder/100g diet), C2 group (high cholesterol diet + 2.75g green tea powder/100g diet), and C3 group (high cholesterol + 4.13g green tea powder/ 100g diet). After the 8-week experimental period, the results showed that green tea with inulin could significantly lower plasma total cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL-C concentrations. Liver triglyceride contents were also significantly lower than C group. Addition, green tea with inulin could reduced the concentration of lipid peroxides in the liver by raising the total plasma antioxidant capacity. In conclusion, green tea with inulin may lower plasma and hepatic lipid and improve antioxidatine capacity, that may be useful for precention of cardiovascular disease.


Green tea inulin lipid metabolism


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