  • 學位論文


Effects of eating-out frequency and nutritional factors on the incidence of bone loss – Nutrition And Health Survey in Taiwan 2004–2008 ( NASIT 2004–2008 )

指導教授 : 林士祥


隨著人類壽命的延長,骨質疏鬆症已是全球僅次於心血管疾病的第二大重要流行病。但在現代人依賴外食比重越來越明顯的情況下,外食與骨質疏鬆症之間的相關性,是值得研究的議題。 本研究利用衛生署『民國九十三年至九十七年度國民營養健康狀況變遷調查』計畫資料,研究探討國人外食與鈣和相關營養因子及骨質流失三者的相關性。由原始樣本6,189人,擷取有參與測定骨密度雙能量X光吸光式測定儀共計1140人,運用敘述性統計與推論性統計進行分析,探討外食頻率與人口學變項 ( 年齡、性別、教育程度、婚姻狀況、籍貫 ) 、身體質量指數 ( Body Mass Index ,BMI ) 、腰圍、相關營養素、日照等與骨質之相關性。結果,外食會降低鈣營養素的攝取量,但卻是骨質的保護因子;在肥胖者,外食的次數反而較低;而收入低者,外食次數少且較易骨質流失;在學歷高的年輕族群者,對於鈣營養素攝取量反而是較低。本研究結論,外食不會造成骨質流失,但確實會影響膳食鈣的攝取,有高學歷不見得會有好的營養,而高收入族群有較優的營養攝取條件;無伴侶的男性則是發生骨質流失的高危險群。


外食 營養素 骨質疏鬆症 骨質流失


With life expectancy increasing, osteoporosis is the second life threatening disease, next to cardiovascular. It is worthy of studying whether osteoporosis is relevant to eating out or not, because more and more people eat out these days in Taiwan. This research concentrated on the relations among eating out, related nutritional factors, and bone loss by using the program facts of “ 2004-2008 Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan ”, the Department of Health. 1,140 individuals, out of 6,189 the original samples, participated in dual-energy X-ray bone density measured absorption-type test, analyzed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to find the answer that osteoenia is associated with the frequency of eating out, demographic variables ( age, gender, education, marital status, place of birth ), BMI, waist, related nutrients, and basking. The results are.As a result, Eating out decreases calcium intake, but protects the bone factor. The obese eat out less. The low-income eat out few, but tend to have osteoporosis. The young highly educated consume calcium less. The conclusion is that eating out does not cause osteoporosis, but affects the amount of calcium intake. Diet preference and culture lead to Taiwanese taking insufficient calcium. Academic degree is not equal to health. Relatively, the higher income may assist to consume nutrition, and it could be an effect that they may choose a variety of foods. The single males are seriously at risk of osteopenia.


eating out nutrients osteoporosis osteopenia calcium


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