  • 學位論文

靈芝蛋白8 (LZ-8)對小鼠皮膚傷口癒合之評估:調節嗜中性白血球、角質細胞和纖維母細胞

Characterization of Protein LZ-8-Induced Wound Healing Acceleration on Mouse Skin: Emphasizing in Modulation of Neutrophils, Keratinocytes, and Fibroblasts

指導教授 : 張榮善






The benefit of LZ-8 as immunomodulatory protein has been widely studied. LZ-8 reported might accelerate rat liver wound injury. However, the effect of LZ-8 on skin wound healing is less studied.This study aimed to evaluate the effectsof LZ-8 in mouse skin wound healing and determine the molecular mechanism of LZ-8-induced acceleration of wound healing.Different group of wound were generated at C57Bl/6 mice dorsal skin followed by wound histology observation. To evaluate the effect of LZ-8 for fibroblast and keratinocyte migration we performed In Vitro wound healing assay.Our studied revealed that an increase in PMN infiltrations and collagen depositions in the wound of animals treated with LZ-8 on day 2 and day 3 respectively. In addition,we found that both fibroblast and keratinocyte migration were significantly increase under treatment with LZ-8In Vitro study of wound healing. These results suggested that LZ-8 not only modulate PMN cell infiltration, but also play an active role in enhancing fibroblast and keratinocyte migration and increase collagen deposition.


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