  • 學位論文


The Effect of Health Welfare Tax on Smoking Cessation Intention and Smoking Behavior among Smokes in Wanhwa, Taipai, Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳品玲


根據世界衛生組織2005年的資料顯示,全球人口中有十三億人 口吸菸,平均每年約有五百萬人口死於吸菸所引起的疾病,在台灣每年有超過一萬八千八百人是死於和吸菸有關的疾病。吸菸不但增加疾病風險、減少生命、而且增加社會醫療成本,爲避免吸菸對健康的危害,95年立法院通過菸害防制修正案,調漲菸品健康福利捐。本研究之目的是以台北市萬華區里民為例探討在2006年2月三讀通過菸品健康福利捐由5元調漲為10元後,其吸菸民眾是否會因菸品健康福利捐價格改變,提升吸菸民眾之戒菸想法及改變吸菸行為。於97年1月至3月間,在台北市萬華區36里以每里20名目前吸菸民眾為研究對象,以問卷填寫方式,收集目前吸菸者之戒菸想法及吸菸行為的變化情形,共計收集720份。本研究結果顯示: 一、在菸品健康福利捐調漲後曾經嘗試戒菸者約二成五。三成以上減少每天吸菸支數,及減少每日吸菸天數。另外三成七改變其購菸習慣,其中七成減少買菸量。二、高達八成以上之目前吸菸者,知道菸品價格已內含菸品健康福利捐,以及菸品健康福利捐已調漲10元。另外高達六成六之受訪者表示若繼續調漲菸品價格將考慮戒菸。三、有偶者在菸品健康福利捐調漲後顯著減少吸菸支數;年紀較大者在菸品健康福利捐調漲後顯著減少吸菸支數、吸菸天數及改變購菸習慣;好友沒有習慣吸菸者在菸品健康福利捐調漲後顯著減少吸菸支數;低教育程度及無工作者在菸品健康福利捐調漲後顯著改變購菸習慣。四、對目前菸品健康福利捐之認知不同,雖然目前之吸菸行為變化無顯著差異,但知道菸品健康福利捐者,未來考慮改吸較便宜品牌的比例顯著較高。 根據本研究提出下列建議:一、配合菸害防制法修案,繼續調漲 菸稅價格。二、持續追蹤菸品價格對戒菸想法及吸菸行為變化之影響。三、未來研究對象應包含已戒菸者對菸品健康福利捐的看法及對其戒菸的影響。


According to the data shown by World Health Organization in 2005, there are 1,3oo,ooo,ooo smokers around the world and about 5,000,000 people die of diseases caused by smoking. In Taiwan, more than 18800 people die of the diseases which are related to smoking. Smoking not only increases the risk of getting disease and shortening life span but also augments the cost of medical treatment. In order to avoid the harm caused by smoking, Legislative Yuan enacts the bills of fighting against smoking and increases the tax posed on cigarettes. The research purpose was determine the effect of health welfare tax on smoking cessation intention and smoking behaviors among smokers.Twenty current smokers were recruited in each districts in Wanhua area of Taipei city(36 districts).In total, 720 participants completed questionnaires. The results of the study were shown as : (1)About 25% of smokers had tried to quit smoking after the rising of heath welfare tax. More than 30% of smokers reduced the frequency of smoking. In addition, 37 % of smokers changed their habits of purchasing cigarettes and 70% among them reduced their purchasing.(2)More than 80% of smokers known that the health welfare tax had already added into the price of cigarettes and the health welfare tax had increased 10 dollars. Around 66 % of respondents considered giving up smoking if the price of cigarettes continues soaring.(3)Married smokers significantly decreased numbers of cigarettes per day than un-married smokers. Elders significantly decreased numbers of cigarettes, smoking days, and changed smoking habits than younger smokers. Smokers without best friends who were smokers significantly decreased numbers of cigarettes.Smokers with lower education or without jobs significantly changed their cigarettes purchase habits than smokers with higher education or with job.(4)In spite of the fact that there were no significantly difference of smoking behavior, people who are aware of the health welfare tax will consider purchasing certain brands at cheaper price. Based on the study result, following suggestions were:(1)Continuity increase the health fare tax way decrease the smoking prevalence.(2)keeping track of the influence of price on the behaviors of smokers.(3)The opinions and the perceptions of ex-smokers showed be included in the future study.


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江曉惠(2011)。比較不同菸品健康福利捐對目前吸菸者的戒菸意圖 及吸菸行為變化之差異—以台北市萬華區為例〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2011.00042
