  • 學位論文


Comparisons between motorcycle’s drivers and passengers on correlates of head injury

指導教授 : 邱文達


機車事故一直以來都是重要的公共衛生議題,交通事故中機車事故一直佔有相當高的比例,而機車雙載在台灣又是很普遍的情形,所造成之頭部外傷更直接威脅生命,導致終生殘障、植物人等後遺症。 本研究以台灣地區因交通事故之機車駕駛與乘客的頭部外傷相關因子為議題,比較頭部外傷之機車駕駛與乘客在傷害部位以及傷害嚴重度上是否有差異,進行流行病學的分析研究。 本研究分析了自安全帽法實施之後,民國87年1月到民國96年6月於台灣地區55家公私立醫院因機車事故造成駕駛與乘客頭部外傷之17,696病人資料,以駕駛與乘客區分,為男性駕駛10,820人次,女性駕駛為5,741人次共16,561位,男性乘客490人次,女性乘客645人次共1,135位。頭部外傷之機車駕駛與乘客在年齡與性別分布上有明顯差異,受傷之駕駛以男性比例較高(65.3%);乘客以女性比例較高(56.8%)。駕駛平均年齡為36.1歲,將年齡加以分層,顯示以20到29歲占的比例最高(28.2%);而乘客平均年齡僅25.5歲,以10-19歲占的比例最高(35.5%)。結果顯示因機車事故之頭部外傷病人,乘客(27.3%)未使用安全帽合併頭部外傷的比例比駕駛(15.6%)高。而在傷害部位上駕駛發生合併傷害以及胸部、腹部、 頸椎骨折的危險度較高。駕駛以及乘客在GCS分數、預後結果、住院天數以及住加護病房天數在統計上沒有差異 。


Motorcycle accident, the major road traffic accident, is an important public health issue in Taiwan. While motorcycle accident occurred, it usually leads to consequences that threat our life such as life-long disability or persistent vegetative. It is quite common to see two people riding on a motorcycle. However, we don’t know if an accident has the same effect on the driver and the passenger. This study took the head injured motorcycle drivers and passengers as subjects, to compare their nature of injuries and related factors. The study analyzed 17,696 patients’ data collected by National Head and Spinal Cord Injury Team’s research databank from 55 public and private hospitals in Taiwan during the period of 1998 January to 2007 June. All the patients were head injured in motorcycle accident. Of 16,561 drivers, 10,820 were males and 5,741 were females; and of 1,135 passengers, 490 were males and 645 were females. Significant differences was found between head injured drivers and passengers not only in gender but also in age. The mean age of drivers were 36.1 years whereas the mean age of passengers were 25.5 years. The result revealed that more passengers (27.3%) than drivers (15.6%) were injured without wearing helmets. Head injured drivers had more complications in injuries of chest, abdomen and cervical spine fracture; whereas passengers had more complications of skull fracture and intracranial hemorrhage, although not significant after controlling for gender, age and whether used helmet. We found no statistical difference in GCS, GOS, hospitalized days and ICU days between head injured drivers and passengers.


行政院衛生署- -2008年衛生統計資料
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