  • 學位論文


Comparing the Risk of Death among patients with End-stage Renal Disease on Chronic Hemodialysis and Heart Failure Receiving Cardioprotective Drugs in Taiwan

指導教授 : 湯澡薰


背景:接受透析的末期腎臟病患有很高的機會罹患心血管疾病,相較於一般族群約高出2到10倍左右,且心血管疾病為造成此族群死亡和嚴重併發症的首要原因,其中心血管疾病又以心臟衰竭造成的為主。諸多大型臨床試驗顯示,在一般病人族群中,「血管收縮素轉化酵素抑制劑」、「血管張力素受體阻斷劑」及「乙型交感神經阻斷劑」證實可改善心血管疾病和各種原因死亡率。然而,末期腎臟病患通常被排除在這些大型臨床實驗之外。故欲瞭解末期腎臟病併有心臟衰竭病患,使用血管收縮素轉化酵素抑制劑、血管張力素受體阻斷劑及乙型交感神經阻斷劑對死亡及罹患嚴重心血管疾病之療效。 研究目的:探討臺灣地區末期腎臟病併有心臟衰竭病患這一族群,使用血管收縮素轉化酵素抑制劑、血管張力素受體阻斷劑及乙型交感神經阻斷劑和死亡及罹患嚴重心血管疾病之關連性。 研究方法:採用二手資料進行世代研究分析,資料來源為1999-2009年全民健康保險研究資料庫,研究對象為2001年後末期腎臟病同時併有心臟衰竭之患者,研究組定義為研究對象使用ACEIs/ARBs/β-blocker藥物一年內超過182天者,利用propensity score和Cox regression analysis分析研究組和對照組在死亡及罹患嚴重心血管疾病之差異性。 研究結果:研究對象共13,896人,分別為ACEIs/ARBs/β-blocker組2,701人(19.44%),和其他降血壓藥物組有11,195人(80.56%)。在2001-2009年間,使用ACEIs/ARBs/β-blocker藥物比起使用其他降血壓藥物擁有較好之存活情形(HR:0.604,95%CI: 0.542 - 0.673)。使用ACEIs/ARBs/β-blocker藥物比起使用其他降血壓藥物,兩組在心臟衰竭event-free 存活情形沒有顯著差異(p= 0.0507)。使用ACEIs/ARBs/β-blocker藥物比起使用其他降血壓藥物,在中風event-free 存活情形沒有顯著差異(p= 0.2792)。使用ACEIs/ARBs/β-blocker藥物比起使用其他降血壓藥物,罹患心血管疾病的機率較高(HR:1.29, 95%CI: 1.128- 1.475)。 結論:本研究發現臺灣地區末期腎臟病患併有心臟衰竭患者,使用ACEIs/ARBs/β-blocker藥物對存活率有幫助,但對於罹患心臟衰竭和中風沒有顯著差異,而其他降血壓藥物比起ACEIs/ARBs/β-blocker藥物較不易罹患心血管疾病。


Background: Cardiovascular disease is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in the ESRD population, heart failure is one of the most frequent and is associated with poor clinical outcomes. In the general population, Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACEIs) inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) and β-blocker with “cardioprotective” properties have been shown to improve both cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in a variety of clinical trials. However, patients with ESRD on hemodialysis were excluded from these trials, probably because they differ profoundly from nondialysis individuals. Prupose: Performed a population-based retrospective cohort study of dialysis combined with heart failure patients based on the Taiwan National Health Insurance database to investigate the associations between morbidity and mortality and the use of ACEIs/ARBs/β-blocker in Taiwan. Methods: We conducted a cohort study of 13,896 patients enrolled in the Taiwan National Health Insurance database from 1999 to 2009. Propensity score and Cox regression analysis was used to model associations with time to survival, heart failure, stroke and cardiovascular event in hemodialysis patients with history of heat failure. Results: ACEIs/ARBs/β-blocker and other antihypertensive medicine were each used in 19.44% and 80.56% of patients, respectively. There was a statistically significant reduction in total mortality (HR:0.604, 95%CI:0.542-0.673), but not seen in the recurrent heart failure and stroke (p=0.0507, p=0.2792) among patients receiving ACEIs/ARBs/β-blocker. Nevertheless, comparing the treated group and the un treated group, the risk of hospitalized with cardiocascular is increased significantly (HR:1.29, 95%CI: 1.128-1.475). Conclusion: ACEIs/ARBs/β-blocker were associated with a reduced risk of death, but not in hospitalized with heart failure and stroke. Other antihypertensive medicine comparing to the ACEIs/ARBs/β-blocker were associated with a reduced risk of hospitalized with cardiovascular.


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