  • 學位論文


Comparative Study of Using Healthcare Clinical Indicators in Accreditation Process between Taiwan and Australia

指導教授 : 莊秀文



The use of accreditation and quality measurement systems (QMSs) in healthcare to improve quality and patient safety has been widespread across many countries; however, a healthcare organization’s improvement in quality has been found not well correlated with satisfying the accreditation requirements and implementing. The study aimed to determine surveyors’ and hospitals’ use of clinical indicators, and how the indicators can potentially be integrated into the accreditation process by comparing the accreditation systems in Australia and Taiwan. First, the development of hospital accreditation was introduced, followed by reviewing the cases in Australia and Taiwan. Second, the questionnaire conducted in both countries (in 2009 and 2012, respectively) for accreditation surveyors’ perspective in the use of clinical indicators were collected for analysis. Third, the international comparison between Australia and Taiwan was done regarding to their questionnaire results, accreditation standards and methods, and accreditation surveyors. Integration between hospital accreditation and clinical indicators can be facilitated with a more appropriate system with higher utility of clinical indicators in hospital accreditation. The study suggested that changes are needed to establish an online platform for surveyors’ access to hospitals’ clinical indicator data, to retain hospitals’ ownership during hospital accreditation process, and to have more education and supports from accrediting agencies can facilitate a better integration between hospital accreditation and clinical indicators.


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