  • 學位論文


Physical Activity Status and Relative Factors Among Colorectal Cancer Family History Subjects

指導教授 : 鄭綺


結直腸癌自1981年以來攀升至2012年每十萬人口占14.9人,由衛生福利部統計為癌症死亡排名第三名,由此可以見其嚴重性。目前由國健署積極宣導癌症防治,包括建立健康生活型態及推動健康體能,但根據體委會調查,我國從事規律運動者僅26.1%,顯示國人運動量嚴重不足。研究指出身體活動具有強烈的證據可以降低罹患結直腸癌之風險,因此本研究目的係針對具結直腸癌家族史族群,瞭解其身體活動狀態(運動改變階段、身體活動量)及知覺運動利益及障礙因子,並瞭解其相關性。研究設計為橫斷式相關性之研究,採立意取樣方式以結直腸癌患者的一等親為研究對象,並以結構式問卷進行訪談,研究結果之資料以描述性統計及推論性統計進行分析。   本研究以86位具結直腸癌家族史之個案,分析結果發現: (一)運動改變階段以意圖期及維持期最多,各占27.9%,其餘順序為無意圖期22.1%、準備期11.6%和行動期10.5%。重新分組後以運動前期最多50.0%,其次為穩定運動期27.9%、運動初期22.1%。 (二)過去七日總身體活動量為1340.67±1510.91 MET-minutes/week。 (三)知覺運動利益前三名主要因子依序為:「身體活動可以預防心血管疾病」、「身體活動可以維持我的身材(控制體重)」、「身體活動會增進我的肌肉力量」,而知覺運動障礙為:「氣候不佳(太冷、太熱、下雨)」、「運動使我疲勞(如:肌肉痠痛)」、「運動時我會感到無力(體力不夠)」。 (四)具結直腸癌家族史族群之運動改變階段與教育程度年數呈現顯著差異;費力身體活動與性別及教育年數達顯著相關,及走路持續達10分鐘以上之身體活動與社經地位達顯著差異。 (五)不同運動改變階段與總身體活動量、中重度身體活動量、費力、中等費力之身體活動量達顯著差異。 (六)知覺運動障礙總分為總身體活動量的預測因子,其可解釋之變異量為8.3%;而在中重度身體活動量上則可解釋變異量為11.8%。 本研究結果有助於瞭解結直腸癌家族史族群身體活動狀態與相關因子之現況,未來宜針對本族群探索其他影響身體活動之重要因素,並加以控制面臨知覺運動障礙的因子,以促進身體活動量之表現。


Colorectal cancer affected 14.9 out of every one hundred thousand people in Taiwan in 2012, and was the No.3 cause of cancer deaths according to the Ministry of Health and Welfare's statistics. Currently, the Health Department's advocacy to prevent colorectal cancer includes the promotion of a healthy life style and regular physical activity. However, according to a survey by the Sports Affairs Council, only 26.1% of Taiwanese citizens have regular exercise. There is considerable evidence that regular physical activity can decrease the risk of colorectal cancer. The purpose of this descriptive and correlated study is to investigate the physical activity status (amount of physical activity and stages of change in physical activity) and the perceived benefits and barriers for exercise among colorectal cancer family history subjects, as well as to explore the related factors. This research used structured interviews with purposive samplings through three questionnaires including a Stages of Change in Physical Activity Scale, International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form and Perceived Exercise Benefits and Barriers Scale. In total, 86 interview subjects were included in this study. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.Stages of change in physical activity participants comprised: 27.9% in both ‘contemplation’ and ‘maintenance’ stages, 22.1% in the ‘precontemplation’ stage, 11.6% in the ‘preparation’ stage, 10.5% in the ‘action’ stage. Under a further reclassification combining several stages of change in physical activity, 50.0% of participants were grouped as no exercise, 22.1% pre-regular exercise, and 27.9% regular exercise. 2.Total physical activity amounts were 1340.67±1510.91 MET-minutes/week. 3.The top 3 perceived benefits of exercise are that physical activity can prevent cardiovascular diseases, physical activity can control body weight and increase muscle power. The perceived barriers to exercise were bad weather (such as too cold, hot or rainy days), exercise causes fatigue (for example sore muscles), and the feeling of reduced strength when exercising. 4.The educational level is a significant factor in the different stages of change in physical activity; vigorous physical activity correlated with the participant's sex (M/F) and educational level; walking for over 10mins as a physical activity correlated with socioeconomic status. 5.The different stages of change in physical activity were associated with total physical activity, vigorous-moderate physical activity, and vigorous and moderate physical activity correlated. 6.‘Perceived exercise barriers score’ is the only predictor for total physical activity and vigorous-moderate physical activity, explaining 8.3% and 11.8% total variances, respectively. The study identified the physical activity status and relevant factors among colorectal cancer family history subjects. Further studies could explore more factors relating to physical activity and control perceived exercise barriers in these subjects to improve their physical activity.


