  • 學位論文


The Feasibility of Using LOINC for Laboratory Information Exchange and Assessment of Approaches to Hospital Adoption in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 劉建財


LOINC(Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes)標準編碼系統為國際通用之檢查檢驗訊息交換工具,國內雖已有轉檢及代檢制度施行,但仍未應用LOINC於結果交換及判讀,其主要原因為LOINC的六大屬性與一般醫院常用的表達方式並不一致,使各醫院無從下手進行對應,而無法實際運用。故本次研究中,將運用NHI-LOINC檢驗對應資料庫與LOINC資料庫,分別於七家規模不等且資訊能力不等的醫院中,由各醫院自行建置院內碼轉換LOINC編碼系統的工作,人工對應或撰寫程式協助對應,再討論各醫院所使用的方法,分析各醫院的對應成效,找出一個適合國內醫療資訊環境的最佳對應模式,從研究結果發現當醫院可以完全掌握檢驗資訊系統時,建構一個使用NHI-LOINC檢驗對應資料庫的自動對應系統可以快速有效率的完成院內碼轉換至LOINC的過程,而且可以得到良好的自動轉換結果。相信經由這個研究可以給予日後有需要建置系統的醫療院所,一個省時省力且正確達成目標的方式。


LOINC (Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes), developed by the Regenstrief Institute and the College of American Pathologists Information Committee, has been widely accepted by internationals as a standard for the exchange of laboratory tests and results. The main goal is to provide unified names and codes used for laboratory tests and clinical observation reports to facilitate the exchange of electronic medical records. The hospitals in Taiwan usually have cooperative laboratory to examination some of rare tests, but they still not apply the LOINC to result converting and data exchange. The main reason is because of the six attributes of LOINC is not correspondent to the common expression in most hospitals. It is difficult for hospitals to find a way to match the local code to LOINC. In this research, we used the NHI-LOINC mapping knowledge base and LOINC database in seven hospitals which had different number of beds and technology ability. Each hospital built in-hospital LOINC code mapping system individually and used by different database and mapping tools. Then we discuss and analysis the corresponding effect of different method and database, and try to find out the best mapping system which suit the current hospital information system in Taiwan medical environment. From the research, we could know that when a hospital can totally in charge of the laboratory information system, building an automatic mapping system by used NHI-LOINC mapping knowledge base can finish the mapping from local code to LOINC in very short time and get a good automapping rate. This research can provide a quicker and more accurate way for those hospitals which have the needs for building the mapping system.


10. 劉建財、王亮雯、溫立力、羅友聲,建構國內檢驗院內碼與LOINC碼對應輔助系統,醫療資訊雜誌2006 15(3): 29-40。
11. 劉建財、呂新傑、王亮雯、陸偉輝,建立健保碼與LOINC碼檢驗對應資料庫之研究,醫療資訊雜誌2005 14(3): 63-78。
12. 王亮雯、溫力立、劉建財,醫院檢驗院內碼轉換LOINC編碼系統之實務研究,醫療資訊雜誌2009 18(2): 15-28。
5. 臺北醫學大學醫學資訊研究所碩士論文,研究生:陸偉輝撰,建構台灣檢驗LOINC編碼及轉換機制之研究
6. 臺北醫學大學醫學資訊研究所碩士論文,研究生:呂新傑撰,建構Taiwan-LOINC知識庫


