  • 學位論文


Factors related to postpartum changes of maternal body composition: appetite during pregnancy and infant feeding patterns

指導教授 : 葉松鈴


本研究以臺北市立聯合醫院和平婦幼(婦幼)院區產後護理之家住民及病房產婦為對象,依據產婦個人意願決定及進行哺育方式而分組,分為完全母乳哺育組、混合母乳及配方乳哺育組(混和哺育組)、以及完全配方乳哺育組,比較三組在產後1個月、3個月、6個月的身體組成之間的差異性。本研究共招募73人有56人完成實驗,其中母乳哺育組34人,配方乳哺育組14人,混合母乳及配方乳哺育組11人,利用生物電阻法分析體重及體組成之變化。結果顯示懷孕第一期之食慾與孕期體重增加及產後體重滯留呈負相關。不同哺育方式的組別在懷孕期間體重增加量相似,在產後6個月的體重滯留量上並沒有差異,但相較於混合哺育及配方乳哺育組,母乳哺育組BMI、腰圍、腰臀比、體脂率、脂肪總量在產後6個月皆顯著較產後一個月降低,而整體健康評分則較高。混和哺育組在脂肪重、體脂肪率及BMI 可看到顯著下降,在配方乳組僅在腰圍項目上有顯著降低。此結果顯示懷孕第一期之食慾較差可能使懷孕後期補償性的進食較多,反而使孕期總體重增加較多並造成產後體重滯留。雖然全母乳哺餵對產後婦女體重滯留上並無好處,但對產後體位、體脂的改善及整體健康均較配方哺育組有較正面的影響。


This study evaluated the postpartum body composition changes in three different feeding methods including exclusively breast feeding, exclusively formula-feeding and combination of breast feeding and formula feeding. The clients were recruited from Postpartum Nursing Care Center or obstetrics ward in Taipei City Hospital. Seventy three participants were assigned to one of three groups according to the method of infant feeding employed during the first 6 month. There were 56 subjects completed the study with 31 in breast feeding group, 14 in formula-feeding group and 11 in the combination group. Body weight loss and body composition changes at 1, 3 and 6 month postpartum were measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis. The results showed that appetite during 1st stage of pregnancy was negative associated with total pregnant weight gain and postpartum weight retention. There were no difference in body weight gain during pregnancy, also, postpartum body weight retention did not differ among the 3 different feeding groups. However, compared to 1 month, breast-feeding women had lower body mass index, waist circumference, waist/hip ratio and body fat mass at 6 month postpartum whereas only waist circumference changes were found in the formula-feeding group. Besides, only breast-feeding group showed improvement in general health score. These results suggest that poor appetite in early stage may compensatory increase food intake during late phase of pregnancy that lead to body weight gain and postpartum weight retention. Compared with the formula- and combination-feeding methods, breast-feeding mother did not reduce postpartum weight retention. However, lactation had favorable effects on postpartum body shape recovery and had general health benefits in women.


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