  • 學位論文


Comparison of Calories and Nutrients Intake in Older Adults with Normal Cognitive Function, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer's Disease

指導教授 : 蘭淑貞


前言:認知功能下降與失智症的盛行率與發生率隨著人口老化而提高其比例。適當的營養評估可預防與治療失智症患者發生營養相關的問題。 目的:探討國內認知功能正常、輕度知能障礙、輕度阿茲海默症老人之飲食攝取量與營養狀況,並進行三組之間的比較。 方法:本研究招募65歲以上,認知功能正常老人32位、輕度知能障礙患者28位、輕度阿茲海默症患者40位。以社會人口資料與飲食習慣問卷瞭解其飲食型態與飲食內容,由病歷查閱一年內的血液檢查數據瞭解其營養狀況、並以24小時飲食回憶以及兩天飲食紀錄收集飲食資料。24小時飲食回憶與兩天飲食紀錄之內容皆參考書籍訂定之份量進行食物份量估算,再以營養素分析軟體進行營養成份分析,計算熱量與各種營養素的攝取量,並與100年訂定之國人膳食營養素參考攝取量(Dietary Reference Intakes, DRIs)修訂第七版進行比較。 結果:半數以上的受試者罹患高血壓。體位測量結果(身高、體重、身體質量指數)與血液檢查結果在三組之間未達顯著差異。熱量與蛋白質的攝取量,各組皆可達到建議量的81 %與92 %以上;維生素E的攝取量僅達到建議量的46 %,維生素B1、維生素B2、菸鹼酸的攝取量,男性與女性皆可達到建議量的67 %、77 %、76 %以上,維生素B6的攝取量可達到建議量的69 %以上,但mild AD組的維生素B6攝取量有較低的情形,僅達到建議量的63 %,維生素B12、維生素C的攝取量皆可達到建議量;鈣的攝取量只達到建議量的44 %,磷的攝取量可達到建議量,鐵的攝取量可達到建議量的75 %,鎂的攝取量,control組、MCI組女性的平均攝取量可達到DRIs的69 %,但AD組女性、三組男性僅達到DRIs的65 %,鋅的攝取量,control組、AD組女性的平均鋅攝取量可達到DRIs的69 %,但MCI組女性、三組男性僅達到DRIs的59 %。 結論:認知功能正常、輕度知能障礙、輕度阿茲海默症老人有半數以上的受試者罹患高血壓。飲食攝取方面,熱量與巨量營養素、維生素、礦物質的攝取量在三組之間沒有顯著差異,但維生素E、維生素B6、鈣、鎂、鋅等營養素有攝取較低的情形。


Introduction: Increased prevalence and incidence of cognitive impairment and dementia are associated with advancing age. An appropriate evaluation of nutritional status could prevent and treat nutrition-related problems experienced by people with dementia. Objective: To investigate dietary intake (calories and nutrients) among older adults with normal cognitive function, mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer’s disease and to make comparison among three groups. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out during the period October 2011 to May 2012. There were three groups in this study: normal cognitive function representing control group (n = 32); mild cognitive impairment (MCI) (n = 28) and mild Alzheimer’s disease (mild AD) (n = 40). All subjects were aged ≧ 65 years old. Data collected for the study included demographic characteristics, blood tests and dietary intake. Dietary intake was collected by 24-hr diet recall and 2 days’ diet record. Estimate portions and of weight of foods were obtained from nutrition reference publications. Nutrient analysis software (Taiwan) was used to calculate the intake calories and selected nutrients. All dietary data were compared with the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) revised seventh edition on 2011. Results: In this study, more than half of the subjects had hypertension. There were no significant differences among three groups in anthropometric measures and blood tests. When compared with the DRIs, the three groups of older adults had adequate dietary intake of carbohydrates and proteins, vitamin B12, vitamin C and phosphorus. The dietary intake of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin were more than 67 % of DRIs, iron was more than 75 % of DRIs. However, we observed inadequate dietary intake of vitamin E (46 % of DRIs) and calcium (40 % of DRIs). Intake of vitamin B6 were more than 69 %, but was lower in the mild AD group (63 % of DRIs). Intake of magnesium was 69 % of DRIs among women in the control and MCI group, but mild AD group women, three groups of men only 65 % of DRIs. Among the women in the control group and mild AD group, intake of zinc were 69 % of DRIs, but MCI group women and three groups of men only 59 % of DRIs. Conclusion: Hypertension is common in older adults with normal cognitive function, mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer’s disease. There were no significant differences among three groups in intake of calories, macronutrients, vitamins and minerals. Further comparison with the RDIs revealed the three groups of older adults had low intake of vitamin E, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium and zinc.


中華民國營養師公會全國聯合會電子報 (2011) 第15期
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