  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Body-Mind-Spirit with Psychoeducational Group for Children of Cancer Parents.

指導教授 : 張秀如


本研究目的為探討癌症病患之子女身心靈暨衛教團體之實施成效,研究設計採實驗組及控制組前後測實驗設計法(pre-test & post-test experimental design)。研究對象為癌症病患之子女(10~24歲),於台北市某區域教學醫院腫瘤科以及癌症基金會收案,以隨機方式將研究對象分為實驗組及控制組,控制組為沒有參與身心靈暨衛教團體,實驗組則是有參與身心靈暨衛教團體。團體共有兩梯次,每一梯次進行為期共兩週的課程。團體由接受過專業訓練之護理師擔任團體治療者。課程內容包含癌症教育、親子關係、情緒抒發、壓力調適、運動、發覺自我正向能量等。 身心靈暨衛教團體成效的測量包括兒童憂鬱量表(Children’s Depression Inventory, CDI)、貝克焦慮量表(Beck Anxiety Inventory, BAI)、中文版正向及負向自殺意念量表(Chinese version of the Positive and Negative Suicidal Ideation, PANSI-C)、中文版復原力量表(The Chinese version of the Resilience Scale, RS-C)及靈性評估量表(Spirituality Assessment Scale, SAS),於身心靈暨衛教團體之前後施行測量。統計分析採用描述性及推論性統計,以重複測量分析(Repeated Measures)進行成效分析。   統計結果發現實驗組較控制組在憂鬱症狀、焦慮症狀、負向自殺意念、復原力、靈性健康方面有明顯改善;研究結果顯示身心靈暨衛教團體能改善罹癌患者之子女的情緒困擾,提升正向支持力量。本研究結果有助於臨床護理人員運用身心靈暨衛教團體之概念改善罹癌父母之子女的心理調適。


The major purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of body-mind-spirit with psychoeducational group for children of cancer parents. Pre-test & post-test true experimental design and randomized controlled trial were used in this study. The subjects were children of parents with cancer (aged 10~24) recruited from the oncology department in a local teaching hospital and cancer foundation located in Taipei City. The subjects were randomized assigned to the experimental and control groups. Children in the experimental group received body-mind-spirit with psychoeducational group while children in the control group did not. The group therapist of the body-mind-spirit with psychoeducational group were professional psychiatric nurses. The group programs included cancer education, parent-child relationships, emotional expression, stress management, exercise, and positive energy. The study instruments used for this study included the Children’s Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Chinese version of the Positive and Negative Suicidal Ideation, Chinese version of the Resilience Scale and Spirituality Assessment Scale. Statistical analyses included descriptive and inferential statistics especially Repeated Measures were used for analyzing the effectiveness of group therapy. Results found that the children in the experimental group improved significantly in depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, negative suicidal ideation, resilience and spirituality health when comparing with the control group. Results revealed that body-mind-spirit with psychoeducational group might be helpful in improving emotional distress and increasing their positive mental health for children of parents with cancer. Clinical nurses might use body-mind-spirit with psychoeducational group to facilitate mental health for children of cancer parents.


