  • 學位論文


Preliminary Study of Core Competency Measurement of The Dentists during Their Two-Year General Practice Training Program

指導教授 : 邱瓊萱


「二年期牙醫師畢業後一般醫學訓練」於民國99年7月實施,其主要目的為提升牙醫師基本臨床能力並促進牙醫學教育發展與醫療品質。參與計畫的牙醫師會於不同的服務機構進行訓練,然而不同的服務機構提供的社會支持程度亦有所差異,因此本研究以牙科PGY受訓醫師所感受的社會支持程度為探討構面,瞭解該因素及人口學背景與其訓練學習成效之影響情形;此外,針對受訓醫師的學習成效進行自、他評比較以及他評學習成效前、後期差異分析。 本研究針對30位受訓於北部4家教學醫院之牙科PGY醫師進行調查及DOPs他評成績蒐集。結果發現,PGY受訓醫師感受社會支持程度越高,其學習成效亦會越好;服務機構會影響PGY受訓醫師在「專業素養」及「病患照護」的他評學習成效;動機為「提升個人臨床能力」的PGY受訓醫師在「專業素養」的自、他評學習成效有顯著差異;PGY受訓醫師的「專業素養」與「溝通與人際關係技巧」自評分數都較為高估於DOPs他評分數;「病患照護」分數則是自評分數低估於DOPs他評分數;PGY受訓醫師後期(最近一次)的平均值皆較前期(第一次)的平均值分數高,顯示受訪者的學習成效確實於接受此訓練後獲得提升。 建議提供PGY訓練的醫院,多費心於社會支持程度的提升,例如:住宿環境、食膳福利、環境安全及提供完整的職涯諮詢等,如此將有助於改善整體醫院的教學風氣與PGY受訓醫師的訓練成效。


“Two years General Medicine Training Program of dentist Post-Graduate Year ”was implemented since July,2010, its main purpose is to improve the dentists’basic clinical abilities, in oder to develop the qualities of dentist education and medical treatments.The detists would be trained in different authorized hospitals, therefore different social supports would be provided by different hospitals. The purpose of the study is to evaluate social support towards the learning effectiveness. The study collected 30 detists who were trainned in 4 educational hospitals by anonymous questionnaire.The results of the study is the more positive social supports would carried out higher learning effectiveness.Furthermore,the learning effectiveness in”Professionalism” and “Patient care”would be effected by training organization. The dentists whose motivations with improving self-competencies were significant difference in self-other assessment.The learning effectiveness in ”Professionalism” and “Communication skills”of the self assessment were higher than other assessment, and the learning effectiveness in “Patient care” of the other assessment were higher than self assessment. The latest learning effectiveness of the dentists were higher than the earliest learning effectiveness, so this training program is contribute to the participant. According to the results, the improvement of social supports would be highly suggested, like accommodation, catering facility, environment safety and careers advice, therefore it would greatly benefit the teaching climate of traing hospitals and the learning effectiveness of PGY dentists.


牙醫人力政策建言。我國醫事人力規劃政策建言書 2001。
石 銳(1999)。企業訓練成功之關鍵-訓練轉移。就業與訓練。
