  • 學位論文


Evaluate effectiveness of electronic anesthesia consultation form with PZB service Quality model - A case study of a regional hospital

指導教授 : 張偉斌


本研究目的為探討麻醉諮詢門診表單電子化之滿意度分析,從紙本轉為電子化的過程中探討使用者對於麻醉諮詢電子化的接收程度以及使用者的滿意度: (1)麻醉諮詢表單電子化後網頁建置成效、(2)麻醉諮詢表單電子化後使用者資訊滿意度、(3)麻醉諮詢表單電子化後醫療服務品質滿意度。 研究方法以PZB服務品質指標模式為主軸理論,採取應用於資訊服務品質測量的SERVQUAL Short Form為架構,針對北部某地區教學醫院開刀房醫療人員為研究對象,以問卷方式收集麻醉部以及護理部使用者資料,欲了解使用者對於麻醉諮詢電子化的滿意度。研究問卷共發放120份,共回收56份有效問卷,回收率為46%。 研究結果為男性6位(10.7%),女性50位(89.3%),年齡層以30歲以上到40歲共37位(66.1%),職業為麻醉科技術員38位(67.9%),教育程度為大學44位(78.6%),本院服務年資多以3年以下21位(37.5%),39位(69.6%)沒有使用過類似的麻醉諮詢系統,30位(53.6%)曾閱讀有關電腦的書籍和雜誌,35位(62.5%)曾在學校或電腦補習班修過電腦課。 結論:女性對於資訊服務品質滿意度高於男性、網站系統輸入的個人資料沒有洩漏的疑慮在護理部的滿意度較麻醉部為高、教育程度為專科者在系統提供正確可靠的資訊滿意度方面比研究所以上有較高的滿意度、教育程度為專科者在此系統符合麻醉諮詢流程之需求滿意度方面比研究所以上有較高的滿意度、教育程度為專科者在系統的操作方便省時滿意度比研究所以上有較高的滿意度。使用者資訊滿意度方面在不同教育程度與性別有顯著差異性,而女性對於此項的滿意度高於男性;在醫療資訊品質滿意度方面在不同教育程度有顯著差異;而網頁建置成效滿意度在人口學各變項因子則無顯著差異性。網站設計使用Microsoft Visual Studio為整合開發環境,並以ASP.


The purpose of the study is to evaluate the electronic form of pre-anesthesia consul- tation、user satisfaction of information system and satisfaction with information service quality in medical. Research methods use “The Gaps of PZB service quality index” in theory and the Questionnaire for information system “SERVQUAL Short Form” is to evaluate the user satisfaction of information system. Data collected from one of the northern region of teach- ing hospital, department of Anesthesia and Nursing medical stuff in operation room. Total questionnaire were 120 and received 56 valid questionnaire, effective response rate 44%. Result :Male 6(10.7%),Female 50(89.3%) ,Age in 30 to 40 years old total 37 (66.1%), Nurses of Anesthesiology total 38(67.9%), Degree of education in collage 44(78.6%), Seni -ority in 3years: 21(37.5%), used similar system before: 39(69.6%),read computer science books or magazine before:30(53.6%),took courses of computer science before: 35(62.5%)。 Conclusion: Female were more satisfied with information services quality than male. Nursing department were more satisfied with personal information security than anesthesia department. Degree of education in specialist were more satisfied with system provide cor- rect and reliable information than master degree. Degree of education in specialist were more satisfied with the process of anesthesia consultation than master degree. Degree of education in specialist were more satisfied with system saving time than master degree. System setup used ASP.NET for programming and Microsoft Visual Studio for soft- ware development environment and built web-form format of pre-anesthesia consultation which provided preanesthesia evaluation, health education and risk assessment instruction.


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