  • 學位論文


Implementation and Application of the Information System for Post-Acute Care

指導教授 : 蘇家玉


我國因為人口結構迅速老化,政府部門積極擬訂對應方案,在多項措施中,急性後期照護即是重點項目之一。急性後期照護之資料,目前仍需醫護人員蒐集整理,在人力有限的情況下,不只造成資料正確性及完整性的質疑,且造成醫護人員在人力及時間上額外的負擔。本研究以急性後期照護資料庫為核心,依「苗栗醫院急性後期照護作業流程」為標準,參照臨床醫護人員的需求,開發一套急性後期照護資訊系統。 系統採模組化設計,核心資料庫儲存個案接受照護之相關資料;使用者權限管理模組登錄使用者基本資料及設定使用權限;個案接案模組評估申請者是否符合照護機構入住之標準,並紀錄入住照護單位後之綜合評估、功能性回顧評估、事件紀錄、結案狀態及健康追蹤;統計報表模組可依使用者需求,定期製作品質監測及產生相關報告,可以圖表方式呈現各項數據及資料分析結果;查詢模組可依照護人員需求快速的查詢入住在照護機構之個案。 為使本系統能符合醫護人員需求,本研究以問卷方式進行系統評估,評估構面分為資訊品質、系統品質、服務品質及使用者滿意度,也請使用者在使用本資訊系統後填寫整體滿意程度。評估調查結果回收問卷60份,性別組成為男性8人及女性52人,其中有醫師2人、護理督導1人、護理長3人、護理師40人、約用護理師8人、約用護士6人。醫護人員使用本系統後之滿意度調查,滿意度平均質均介於4.25至4.45之間,顯示本資訊系統能符合醫護人員作業需求,發揮其應有之效益與功能。


The age structure of population is growing older worldwide. In Taiwan, the aging population has also increased rapidly in recent years, and providing post-acute care (PAC) to elder population plays an important role in government policies. However, organizing PAC data manually not only brings concerns about data correctness and completeness, but also causes extra burden for medical staff in hospital. Using the “PAC operating procedures in Miaoli Hospital” as the guideline, we develop an online PAC information system (PACIS) consisting of a core database to store medical record. Through a web interface, PACIS provides several functional modules for medical staffs in the caring facility. Access management module manages data authority, login information, and user personal information. Admission evaluation module assesses health condition and nursing requirements to screen patients who have the potential to recuperate after PAC. After entering the PAC program, the module records caring activities during the stay in the facility, monitors the quality of nursing care. After discharge, the module also records discharging status and conducts follow-ups of health condition for each patient. Statistic and reporting module analyzes the collected data, and generates reports periodically. Query module allows fast access of the records specified by querying criteria. In order to provide an information system that may meet the needs of the medical staffs, we conduct a system evaluation of information quality, system quality, service quality, and user satisfaction in Miaoli Hospital. Sixty questionnaires are recovered with the following demographic compositions: eight males and fifty two females, within which there are two doctors, one nurse supervisor, three nurse heads, forty senior nurses, eight contracted senior nurses and six contracted nurses. The results show that PACIS has as an average satisfaction level between 4.25 and 4.45, suggesting that the system can meet the clinical requirements and is highly recommended by the users, especially for the stability and efficiency of our PAC system.


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