  • 學位論文


Study of anti-allergic effect of mangosteen

指導教授 : 謝榮鴻


根據調查全世界罹患過敏性疾病之盛行率有逐年增加的趨勢。過敏反應也被稱為第一型過敏反應,它主要特徵為體內有大量之IgE之產生,其發生主要和第二型輔助性T細胞、肥大細胞等活化有關。文獻曾指出山竹具有改善過敏症狀之功效,主要機制為抑制組織胺、血清素之產生。因此本研究主要目的為採用卵白蛋白所建立Balb/c小鼠之過敏模式並評估山竹粉末對於減緩過敏反應之能力。動物經三次致敏後,隨機分成四組,分別以管灌餵食方式給予過敏小鼠三種劑量山竹粉末介入(L, M, H組)。餵食28天後,將小鼠犧牲並取其血液及脾臟來進行分析。在建立過敏小鼠之結果顯示與注射OVA前血漿比較,注射OVA後血漿中總IgE, 總IgG, OVA-IgE, IgG1皆顯著高於注射前,表示此過敏模式已成功建立。山竹餵食結束之結果顯示,血漿中總IgE, 總IgG, OVA-IgE皆顯著低於控制組,而OVA-IgG1於L組則顯著低於控制組;OVA-IgG2a於L組顯著高於控制組。另外,在脾臟細胞增殖能力部分,給予裂殖素或過敏原刺激後,B細胞增殖能力顯著低於控制組。經ConA刺激後,IFN-γ之分泌於M、H組顯著高於控制組;IL-5之分泌皆顯著低於控制組。另外,經由OVA刺激後,IL-4之分泌於H組顯著低於控制組。整體而言,山竹可能透過調節Th2細胞激素以及B細胞增殖作用,降低過敏相關抗體之產生,進而達到改善過敏反應之能力。


Balb/c 過敏 卵白蛋白 山竹粉末 細胞激素


According to the survey from worldwide, there have the trend of increase in prevalence of allergic disease each year. Type I hypersensitivity is an allergic reaction, which causes higher IgE levels in people with allergies. Moreover, allergies also caused by the activation of type 2 T-helper cell or mast cell etc. Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) has shown to have anti-allergic activity, which can inhibit the production of histamine & serotonin. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate anti-allergic effect of mangosteen in ovalbumin (OVA) sensitized murine model. First, Balb/c mice are sensitized three times by intraperitoneal injection with OVA. After successfully sensitized, allergic mice are randomly separated into four different groups supplement with diets which containing control (C), low dose (L), medium dose (M) and high dose (H). After feeding with mangosteen for 28 days, mice are sacrificed and blood and selected organs are collected for further investigation. The results show that in comparison with before sensitization, there are higher plasma IgE, IgG, OVA-IgE, IgG1 level after sensitization, and allergic response is successfully established in OVA-sensitized mice. All the results are compared with those obtained from C group. After 4 weeks of orally feeding period, IgE, IgG, OVA-IgE levels decrease in L, M and H groups. The plasma OVA-IgG1 and IgG2a level are lower and higher, respectively, in L group. Besides, after 24-hour and 48-hour lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulated B cell proliferation of splenocytes, the results show that B cell proliferation of L, M and H groups decreases. Concanavalin A (ConA) stimulated IFN-γ secretion significantly increases in M and H groups. IL-5 levels in L, M and H groups are significantly lower. For OVA-stimulated IL-4 secretion, H group decreases significantly. Overall, these results suggest that 28 days of orally feeding OVA-sensitized mice with mangosteen powder can reduce the level of allergic markers by decreasing the level of Th2 related cytokines and B cell proliferation, thus it can be used to ameliorate the allergic immune responses.


Balb/c Allergy Ovalbumin Mangosteen Cytokines


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