  • 學位論文


Effects of flavonoids on the bone mineral density and bone microstructure of ovariectomized rats

指導教授 : 楊良友


骨質疏鬆症是導因於流失的骨質速度大於吸收速率,以致於提供支撐的骨小樑大量減少,形成骨頭內部的構造稀疏且空洞的情形。骨質疏鬆症除了提高患者骨折的風險,還會增加患者家庭的負擔。目前臨床用藥以賀爾蒙補充療法與雙磷酸鹽類為主,但近來漸漸有研究指出此兩種療法於長期使用的情況下,有提高極為嚴重的副作用之風險。我們從過去的研究中選出了7-methoxyflavone, quercetin, kaempferol這三種黃酮類藥物,與雌激素 (estradiol) 及雙磷酸鹽類 (Alendronate, 福善美保骨) 分組後使用於卵巢摘除之母鼠,為期26周,後將micro CT之掃描結果用以評估黃酮類物質對於延緩骨質流失之成效與。研究結果有二:一、雖然顯示單獨使用黃酮類藥物並無法成功延緩骨質流失,但複方使用卻具有此潛力;二、Alendronate雖頗具成效,但在組成型態上的表現卻顯示有過度緻密的現象。本研究以評估黃酮類物質作為預防骨質疏鬆症藥物之可能性為基礎,盼能提供臨床醫師於治療上有更多樣的選擇。


Osteoporosis is characterized by decreasing of bone density and disruption of microarchitecture of bone. It’s caused when the velocity of removing bone tissue is faster than the one of making new cells. Osteoporosis leads to not only an increased risk of fracture but also the intolerable burden on their family. Hormonal replacement therapy and bisphosphonates are the two main medications of osteoporosis. Recently, there are more and more finding that both therapies can increase the risk of some severe side effects in patients taking medicines long term. We tested the effects of 7-methoxyflavone, quercetin, kaempferol, estradiol and Alendronate on ovariectomized rats for 26 weeks. After that we compared each group base on the results of micro CT scan data in order to estimate the effects of flavonoids on slowing down the rate of decreasing bone density. We find two things: The first one, our data show that there were not statistically different between OVX control and flavonoid group, although, there was a suggestion of potential in using flavonoid in group. The second one, Alendronate group had over compact morphology compared with sham group. This study could form basis of using flavonoid as osteoporosis medication.


Osteoporosis flavonoids Alendronate Quercetin Kaempferol


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