  • 學位論文


Exploring the influence of yoga on urogenital symptoms and quality of life among a sample of middle-aged women

指導教授 : 廖媛美


論文名稱:探討瑜珈對於中年婦女生殖泌尿道症狀及生活品質之影響 研究所名稱:臺北醫學大學護理學研究所 研究生姓名:張玲婉 畢業時間: 一○一 學年度第 一 學期 指導教授: 廖媛美 護理學研究所 副教授 本研究之目的為:探討瑜珈運動對於中年婦女之更年期相關症狀含生殖泌尿道症狀及生活品質的影響。研究以方便取樣方式於臺北市立聯合醫院邀請82位中年婦女參與,並將個案隨機分配至兩組(瑜珈組42位婦女、比較組37位婦女)進行試驗性研究。瑜珈組之介入措施,包含:12週之團體瑜珈運動課程、瑜珈運動課程光碟及婦女更年期保健手冊團體諮詢;比較組亦提供瑜珈運動課程之光碟,並以電話個別指導瑜珈運動課程光碟及婦女更年期保健手冊之內容。在研究進行之初、瑜珈組接受團體瑜珈運動課程6週及12週後,收集兩組個案之更年期相關症狀及生活品質資料。更年期相關症狀以Greene更年期症狀量表、廖之泌尿道症狀子量表及自擬之四題生殖道症狀題目評估,生活品質則採用臺灣版SF-36健康調查量表測量。 本研究個案之年齡介於45歲至65歲(平均年齡56.65±5.74歲),研究結果顯示個案常經歷的更年期症狀為:性慾降低(81.7%)、注意力不容易集中(75.6%)、肌肉關節疼痛(74.4%)及不容易入睡(74.4%);常經歷的生殖道症狀為陰道乾燥(47.6%)、陰道搔癢(40.2%)及性交困難(26.8%);常經歷的泌尿道症狀為漏尿(68.3%)、夜尿(43.1%)及頻尿(36.6%)。更年期症狀與八個層面的生活品質皆呈現顯著負相關(r = -.29 ~ -.47, p<.05 or .001 表十二),生殖泌尿道症狀與生活品質之六個層面亦呈現顯著負相關(r = -.21 ~ -.38, p<.05 or .001表十二)。介入措施前後之資料分析顯示:瑜珈運動對瑜珈組之更年期症狀及生殖泌尿道症狀具有正向影響,但對個案生活品質的影響並不顯著;比較組之更年期症狀、生殖泌尿道症狀及五個層面的生活品質皆呈現改善。然瑜珈運動對瑜珈組之生殖泌尿道整體症狀(p=.054)及生殖道症狀(p=.005)的影響,優於其對比較組之影響。 此初探性研究顯示:除更年期症狀外,生殖泌尿道症狀亦為中年婦女常經歷之症狀,更年期或生殖泌尿道症狀可能對婦女之生活品質具有負向影響。我們建議執行更多嚴謹及設計良好之試驗性研究,以進一步驗證瑜珈運動對於婦女更年期症狀、生殖泌尿道症狀之正向成效。 關鍵字:瑜珈、中年婦女、更年期症狀、生殖泌尿道症狀、生活品質


Abstract Title of Thesis: Exploring the influence of yoga on urogenital symptoms and quality of life among a sample of middle-aged women Institution: Graduate Institute of Nursing, Taipei Medical University Author: Lin-Wan Chang Thesis directed by: Yuan-Mei Liao Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Nursing, Taipei Medical University The aim of this study was to explore the influence of yoga exercise on menopause related symptoms including urogenital symptoms and quality of life (QOL) among a sample of middle-aged women. A convenience sample of 82 middle-aged women was recruited from Taipei City Hospital. An experimental study was conducted with the 82 women randomly assigned to two groups (the yoga group 42 women, and the reference group 37 women). The intervention delivered to the yoga group included a 12-week group yoga exercise program, a yoga exercise digital video disc (DVD), and the group consultations of a health promotion manual for menopause. The yoga exercise DVD was mailed to each woman in the reference group. Individualized consultations about the content of the yoga exercise DVD and health promotion manual for menopause were delivered by telephone. At the beginning of this study, and 6-week, 12-week after the yoga group received the intervention, information related to women’s menopause related symptoms and QOL were collected. Greene Climacteric Scale, Liao’s lower urinary tract symptoms subscale, and 4 self-developed genital symptoms items were used to measure women’s menopause related symptoms. Women’s QOL was assessed by the Short-Form 36 General Health Survey Taiwan version. The age of participants ranged from 45 to 65 years (Mean: 56.65±5.74 years). Study results showed that the common climacteric symptoms experienced by participants were loss of interest in sex (81.7%), difficulty in concentrating (75.67%), muscle or joint pains (74.4%), and difficulty in sleeping (74.4%), the common genital symptoms experienced by participants were dryness of vagina (47.6%), pruritus sensation of vagina (40.2%) and difficulty in intercourse (26.8%), and the common urinary symptoms experienced by participants were urinary incontinence (68.3%), nocturia (43.1%) and urinary frequency (36.6%). Negative correlations (r = -.29 ~ -.47, p<.05 or .001) between participants’ climacteric symptom score and 8 aspects of QOL scores were significant. Significant correlations between participants’ urogenital symptom score and 6 aspects of QOL scores was also found (r = -.21 ~ -.38, p<.05 or .001). Data analyses of the information collected before and after the intervention showed: yoga exercise might have a positive influence on yoga group’s climacteric and urogenital symptoms while the influence on their QOL was not significant. In the reference group, women’s climacteric symptoms, urogenital symptoms and 5 QOL aspects were improved. However, the influence of yoga exercise on urogenital (p=0.054) and genital (p=0.005) symptoms in the yoga group was superior to the influence demonstrated in the reference group. In addition to the climacteric symptoms, initial study results showed that the uroginatal symptoms were also common among middle-aged women. Climacteric or urogenital might have negative influence on women’s QOL. We suggest that conducting more conscientious and well-designed experimental studies to further examine the positive effect of yoga exercise on women’s climacteric and urogenital symptoms. Keyword: yoga, middle-aged women, climacteric symptoms, urogenital symptoms, quality of life


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