  • 學位論文


A Survey of the Relationship among Internal Social Control, External SocialControl, Professionalism and Acceptance of Hospital Nurses

指導教授 : 邱瓊萱


護理人員自學校教育開始,除接受臨床專業科目的教育以及醫事專業技術的訓練之 外,也在學校的倫理教育以及師長的口語言行當中,漸漸習得護理人員應有的形象與規範 準則。而投入職場後,護理人員亦在與醫院管理階層以及病人的相處當中,瞭解到身為護 理人員的基本要件以及所需的人格特質為何。 過去文獻對專業化與社會控制都各有所探究,但並未從社會控制的觀點去探討護理人 的專業化與認命特質。護理人員透過內部社會控制以及外部社會控制來高度規範以及約束 其專業化。因此,本研究希望透過社會控制的概念,探討內部社會控制以及外部社會控制 對護理人員專業化與認命特質之影響程度。 本研究使用自擬之專業化以及認命特質問卷,來作為本研究之測量工具,藉以瞭解護 理人員專業化以及認命特質之程度,本研究之研究對象為台北市4 家區域醫院之護理人員。 本研究問卷的回收率為73.2%, Cronbach’s Alpha值分別為0.758 至0.941 在專業化之 專業知識與技能、態度形象與行為、外表儀容、團隊合作、病人互動以及社會期望這六個 構面,而認命特質Cronbach’s Alpha值則為0.831。主要的研究結果為:(1) 內部社會控制 對護理人員專業化以及認命特質有正向之影響。(2) 護理人員年齡愈大,在專業化及認命 特質的態度愈正向。(3)護理人員教育程度以及證照別愈高其認命程度愈低。(4) 專業化的 六構面透過因素分析後簡化為態度與行為準則、專業知識與技能、儀容與形象三因素。 根據本研究之研究結果,本研究建議:(1) 開設人際關係相關課程,讓新進護理人員 能很快地融入醫療環境內,並有效的處理及面對人際問題。(2) 建議院方對護理部多給予 支持以及配合,讓組織之間能擁有良性的溝通。(3) 護理部應給予護理人員支持以及鼓勵, 讓護理人員能夠勇於爭取屬於自己合理的權益。


Background: Not only the professional knowledge and clinical skill training, but also ethical teaching and role model of faculty, nurse professionals learned their identity and norms from their school training. Moreover, nurse learned gradually their role and requirements to be a qualified and professional nurse from their supervisors and patients ever since they devoted themselves into clinical setting. There was plenty of studies focus on professionalism or social control, but not on combined ones. Nurse is a professional with highly regulated and enforced by external and internal social control, this study therefore sets out to study the relationship among internal and external social control as well professionalism and acceptance among nurses. Method: This study devised professionalism and acceptance questionnaire. Questionnaires were issued to 1000 nurses working in three regional hospitals in Taipei area by purposive sampling. Results: Response rate was 73.2%. It revealed good reliability that Cronbach’s Alpharanged from 0.75 to 0.94 in professionalism and 0.83 in acceptance. The constructs in professionalism included professional knowledge and skill, attitude, image and behavior, appearance, teamwork, patient interaction and social expectation. The results showed that internal social control was positive associated to professionalism and acceptance. Senior nurses tended to have better professionalism and acceptance. Nurses who are in higher level education and license was negative associated with acceptance. Three factors: attitude and behavior, professional knowledge and skill and appearance and image were extracted through factor analysis. Conclusion: According to the research of this study, this study therefore suggested: first of all, providing courses in interpersonal relationship, let the newly-hired nurse could fit into the clinical settings soon, and could handle the interpersonal relationship efficiently. Secondly, hospital managers should offer supports and cooperation to the nursing department, for better communication. Thirdly, the nursing department should support and encourage nurses.


