  • 學位論文


Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment - Exercise 2 (URICA-E2)

指導教授 : 李碧霞


背景:雖然單一題項法的運動改變階段已能診斷個體的運動改變階段,但國內缺乏連續測量個體在任何特定時間點上的運動態度和心態狀況。目的:本研究旨在轉譯和建構中文版羅德島大學運動改變評估表(URICA-E2)的信效度。方法:為橫斷性研究設計,採方便取樣,於2013年5月,以臺北市12個行政區內年齡20-64歲的成年人,共400人為對象,以標準化程序,轉譯英文版羅德島大學運動改變評估表,用SPSS 19.0版及AMOS 17.0版進行信效檢定。結果:中文版羅德島大學運動改變評估表,六個運動改變階段的內在一致性Cronbach’s α值為 .824- .961,二週後再測信度皮爾森相關係數值為 .750- .873(p < .001),顯示本量表具有良好的一致性和穩定性。專家內容效度指標(CVI)為 .987,建構效度經驗證性因素分析的模型適配度佳,顯示模型的外在品質適配度良好;所有題目的標準化因素負荷量、各階段的組成信度與平均變異抽取量,均符合聚合效度的要求;另外,各階段的平均變異抽取量平方根,大部分大於其他所有階段的相關係數,符合區別效度的標準,證明模型的內在品質佳,顯示本量表具有良好的建構效度。經由集群分析,可清楚分出無意圖期(不相信運動的)、無意圖期(相信運動的)、意圖期、準備期、行動期與維持期六個集群,與Marcus等(1992)運動改變階段的效標關聯效度Kappa係數為 .714(p < .001)。結論:本研究中文版羅德島大學運動改變評估表具有良好的信、效度,能有效連續測量民眾運動改變階段的意圖與態度,可提供政府相關單位與學術研究單位參考,根據不同運動階段提供適切的運動介入。


Background: Although single question algorithm for the stages of exercise changes can be used to identify stages of change during personal exercise, there is still lack of instruments which can measure exercise attitudes and mind-sets for continuous measure. Objective: The objective of this study is to translate the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment-Exercise 2 (URICA-E2) into Mandarin and test its reliability and validity. Methods: This study conducted a cross-sectional survey using convenience sampling to recruit 400 adults between 20 and 64 years of age from 12 administrative districts of Taipei City in May 2013. The English version of the URICA-E2 was translated into Mandarin according to standardized procedures. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were tested using SPSS for Windows version 19.0 and AMOS for Windows version 17.0. Results: Regarding the internal consistency of the Mandarin version of the URICA-E2, the Cronbach’s α values for the 6 stages of exercise change ranged from .824 to .961. The Pearson correlation coefficients for a reliability test-retest conducted after 2 weeks ranged between .750 and .873 (p < .001), indicating that the scale provides good consistency and stability. The expert content validity index (CVI) was .987. Regarding the construct validity, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed a goodness of fit, indicating good external quality fit of the model. For all items, the standardized factor loadings, the composite reliability (CR) during various stages, and the average variance extracted (AVE) satisfied the requirements for convergent validity. In addition, the majority of the square roots of AVE in various stages exceeded the correlation coefficients at other stages, satisfying discriminant validity standards and verifying that the scale possesses a good intrinsic quality and construct validity. Through cluster analysis, the following 6 clusters were identified: Precontemplation-Non Believers (PCN), Precontemplation-Believers (PCB), Contemplation (C), Preparation (P), Action(A), and Maintenance (M). Besides, the Kappa coefficient of criterion-related validity between URICA-E2 and exercise stages of change (Marcus et al., 1992) was .714 (p < .001). Conclusion: The Mandarin version of the URICA-E2 examined in this study possesses good reliability and validity, and can effectively and continuously measure intentions and attitudes during the stages of exercise changes, thereby providing government agencies and academic institutions with a reference for appropriate sport interventions according to specific stages of change.


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