  • 學位論文


Super Sequence with Decomposition

指導教授 : 黃士殷


隨著電腦界迅速的發展與進步,即時系統在現代是扮演著越來越重要 的角色,比如核能控制、飛行導航,甚至工廠流程管理均可見到即時性系 統應用,而這些都需即時系統的嚴密控制以避免出錯;因為這些工作沒達 成將會對財產或生命造成嚴重損害,故即時系統的正確性是非常重要的。 即時系統上工作的『正確性』是以工作能否在其所訂的期限前完成為準則 。我們的系統是架構在單一處理器上, 工作性質有幾點:工作執行時不 可中途插入其他工作,以及依照時間的特性來進行排程,由這些時間特性 會產生如同行事曆的排程,指出工作何時該開始與結束。 本篇研究所討論的是能在完成最多工作的前提下,花費時間為最少的 最佳工作排程 。若一排程是total ordering,則可應用dynamic programming技巧在 求出;若非total ordering則此問題是NP-complete [3]。可是過去研究的Heuristic approaches卻沒辦法保證一定能產生 feasible schedule,這可由它們需拒絕掉不少工作可得知,另一種產生 目錄方式(例如Branch-and-bound搜尋法)卻會花許多時間,都有其缺點 。 為了能更快求得optimal schedule,在此篇我們提出一個演算法,分 三個步驟,第一是將工作集以preceding relation關係作分割以降低搜尋 空間,第二是採用super sequence [18] 來減少測試工作集中合適的序列 個數,第三再對各序列排程,找出個別的最佳排程,將個別序列的最佳排 程比較以獲得整體最好的工作集排程。


With the fast development of computer technology, real-time computing systems play a more and more important role in many contemporary applications, such as flight control, control of nuclear reactors, and flow-control management in factory. A fault in such an application may be life-threatening, and highly expensive, so the "correctness" of real-time system is very important. "Correctness" of real-time system depends on the task which can finish before their deadline. Our system is based on uniprocessor , and the task property is non-preemptive and of equal weight. A time based scheduler generates as an output a calendar which specifies the time instants at which the tasks start and finish. In this paper, we discuss how to derive a schedule in which the number of finished tasks is maximized, and the finish time of the whole schedule is minimized. Even a total ordering, this can be done in time by dynamic programming technique, where n is the size of the tasks. If the restriction of the total ordering is released, it is known to be NP-complete[3], On one hand, Heuristic approaches can*t guarantee that a optimal schedule can be generated. One he other hand, Branch-and-Bound search will spend much time on producing the search catalog. In order to compute, the optimal schedule, in a faster way we propose an algorithm in three steps. In the first step, we decompose the task set using preceding relations[18] to reduce the search space, In the second step, we use the super sequence [21] which is proved to be useful in reducing the search space for testing the feasibility of subset , In last step, we compute the optimal schedule for all tasks through the combination of the optimal scheduled generated for each subset.


concept in scheduling n jobs on a single machine with ready times and
due dates. Operations Research, 31(1):114-127, Jan. 1983.
[3] M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson. Computers and Intractability, a Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness. W. H. Freeman Company,
[4] D. W. Gillies and J. W-S. Liu. Greed in resource scheduling. In
[5] O. Gudmundsson, D. Mosee, K.T. Ko, A.K. Agrawala, and S.K.
