  • 學位論文


Comparative genome annotation for pathogenic entericbacteria phage analysis between enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli and other bacteria

指導教授 : 劉如生


在後基因體時代,各種生命體的序列與註解分別由實驗室依序定出。大腸桿菌(E.coli-Escherichia Coli)-造成泌尿道感染以及革蘭氏陰性桿菌敗血症最常見的病菌,為近代被研究最徹底的菌株之一,數種菌株的序列、調控機制、代謝路徑、相較於其他細菌都有了一定程度的了解。然而單單在大腸桿菌定序之後,我們只能藉由大腸桿菌的物理性質或是病症分析作出概略的分類。大腸桿菌明確的致病機制到目前為止還是未知,與哪一段基因、蛋白質的作用有關。 比較基因體學(comparative genomics)是利用現有的基因資料庫,或選定目標生物將基因庫的序列全部定序。分析序列基因分布的特性,基因的鹼基組成,基因家族的成員,並進行縱向的比對和分析,了解相同基因於不同生物之間有何差異,以及此差異對生物生活適應有何影響,進而分析基因作用的方式和機制。在與其他腸道細菌的比對方面,多數的論文都在討論這些已定序出的大腸桿菌與致病機制相似的菌株做比對、與大腸桿菌的多種抗原類型做比對、演化樹分析、菌種之間的親緣關係。在現階段的研究當中並無太顯著的比較結果。 本篇論文提出了幾項與大腸桿菌致病性相關的假設與討論,加上針對腸道細菌 (entericbacteria) 所設計的查詢系統介面,以比較基因體學為導向,經由在程式上分析的結果與數據,以及多方面與類別的比對,預期在致病性的腸道菌列舉出數種可能與大腸桿菌致病機致高關聯性的蛋白質與作為本篇論文的參考要點。


In decades, the varieties of organisms were sequenced and annotated form laboratory accordingly. The bacterium Escherichia coli is one of the most comprehensive analyzed free-living organisms recently. The sequence、metabolic pathway and regulatory mechanism of these bacterium are well understanding to comparison with other bacterium. However, the mere sequenced of E. coli was not enough to understand the pathogenic mechanism precisely, nothing but it’s physical property or patient’s pathological diagnosis to make a compendium determination. We do not know the exact pathogenic mechanism as well as which protein or genes are related presently. An aspect of compare to other similar entericbacteria, most of the papers are discussing these sequenced bacteria and diversity of E. coli, the comparison between harmless E. coli (MG1655) and the extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strain. Nowadays, research does not present a remarkable conclusion via computational methods. We offer a comparative query tool based on some assumptions for disease potential E. coli between each entericbacteria. By the way of our computation result and statistics with alternative variety of comparison, we enumerate some highly possible pathogenic proteins and region for the results as our reference material.
