  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳啟光


1推動六標準差最適組織文化特徵的探討 研究生:魏建德 指導教授:陳啟光 博士 元智大學工業工程與管理研究所 摘 要 回顧六標準差(Six Sigma)領域之理論與實務相關文獻,我們發現大多偏重在執行技術層面的探討,針對推行時產生之跨文化管理典範的移轉過程,及所需的最適組織文化特徵模式探討仍相當缺乏。誠如學者Camermetal(1993)所言:認識組織自身的文化向度與另一個典範文化向度之間的差距是變革成功的關鍵因素。因此本研究從組織文化的觀點來探討,最適Six Sigma實行的組織文化環境模式。為達成此目的本研究分成三大部份:首先根基於組織文化理論架構並應用組織文化評估量表,對實行Six Sigma的企業進行組織文化量測與診斷,其中包括5個文化構面、16個文化特徵值及30題問項,經由問卷調查及深度訪談質量研究並行的方式,建構研究對象各別組織文化特徵模型,第二部份則藉由文獻探討發展一套Six Sigma實行成效評估模式,實行成效評估在量的方面是採Six Sigma專案數量,和Six Sigma執行人數為依據;在質的方面則是對個案企業Six Sigma專案負責人深度訪談,來確認成效評估的正確性。最後則是應用統計分析技術“ANOVA”將各個案企業組織文化進行差異比較,同時相對於Six Sigma實行成效評估結果,進一步歸納出實行Six Sigma時最適組織文化特徵模式。根據本研究我們歸納出,實行Six Sigma 最適組織文化特徵模式供實務界參考。有關上述研究過程和結果所代表的涵義,在本文中有進一步闡述。 關鍵詞:Six Sigma、組織文化特徵、價值觀、規範、代表性人物、結構系統


The optimum organizational culture for Six Sigma implementation Student: Chen-Te Wei Advisor: Dr. Chi-Kuang Chen Institute of Industrial Engineering and management Yuan-Ze University Abstract The Six Sigma programmes have received a great deal of attention in popular press , However academic research studies of the“Six Sigma phenomenon ”by organizational culture have been noticeably scant. The importance of indentifying organizational culture characteristics prior to implementation Six Sigma should be notice. Therefore, this study attempted to explore the optimum organizational culture for Six Sigma implementation. The article consist by 3 section The first section of the article present the finding from the use of an organizational culture assessment model within four industry services organizations, The research instrument was composed of 5 culture domain、16 culture characteristics and 30 questionnaires. The major issues for each case organization are draw out using a “ANOVA” test to analysis the differences for the case organization as a whole as completeness, Also The culture diagnosis for each case are presented separately. The second section of the article present the finding from the use of an measures implementation levels of Six Sigma performance depending on the quantity of project and people which involve Six Sigma implementation. Within four industry services organizations. The return for each of the case was analyzed against the return for the four organizations Six Sigma performance as comparison and extraction out the 4 culture domain、14 culture characteristics. The third section of the article present the detail finding of the optimum organizational culture characteristics for Six Sigma implementation .The implications of the research findings are further discussed in the following. Keyword: Six Sigma , organizational culture


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