  • 學位論文


Marketing Children’s Theater in Taiwan: A Study

指導教授 : 王德育


兒童劇團是目前台灣表演藝術團隊中最活躍且蓬勃發展的組織,但是即便如此,兒童劇團所面臨的困境與發展並不會少於一般表演藝術團體。因此,若適時將社會資源引進組織內,讓兒童劇團利用其組織之優勢,將藝術表現與創意結合,經由專業的行銷手段與方法,重新塑造其組織之價值,冀望獲得更廣泛的社會支持。如此一來,兒童劇團的創意與藝術教育功能才得以充分發揮,藉由開拓觀眾市場,進而更有效提升國內兒童劇團之表演藝術環境。 本論文將重新檢視兒童劇團目前生存環境,並對未來發展的方向提出建言。第一章先將回顧國內兒童劇團的發展與現況,檢視兒童戲劇的定義以及過去成立的歷史,並探討現今國內兒童劇團之經營型態以及其規模情況。第二章將從其他國家之歷史經驗,瞭解行銷之於表演藝術的重要性,藉由行銷的工具來分析、檢視我國兒童劇團所面臨之內、外部環境,並以國內目前三大兒童劇團為例,瞭解其行銷管理策略異同之處,綜合歸納出兒童劇團之發展瓶頸與未來趨勢。第三章將介紹國外知名兒童劇團,瞭解其行銷優勢,以供國內兒童劇團未來行銷策略之參考,最後將針對國內兒童劇團提出未來行銷策略之建言。


Theater groups for children are currently among the most active and thriving performing organizations in Taiwan. However, the problem of developing a viable market concerns them just as much as it does other theatrical companies. In the author’s opinion, the solution may be found in acts of reconfiguration that help to assimilate social resources in the form of professional marketing. Adopting innovative marketing approaches and methods connects children’s theater to outside communities, stimulating creative thinking and realizing the function of education through art. New audiences may be gained and the general conditions for the operation of such companies nationwide improved. The present thesis provides an anatomy of children’s theater in Taiwan in terms of an assessment of its current state and suggestions for its future development. Chapter one examines the past of children’s theater in Taiwan, particularly with regard to its management and operating environment. The second chapter speculates on the importance of marketing to performing arts groups based on the examples from other countries. Inferences to the three major children’s theater groups in Taiwan are also made, so that one may analyze their individual marketing strategies for a diagnosis of their current problems and a projection in the future trends for them. The third chapter introduces outstanding children’s theater groups in other countries as guiding examples in this regard, and the conclusion offers marketing advice as to how their models may be followed by the local troupes.


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