  • 學位論文


A continuous process for treatment of textile wastewater by ozonation and chemical coagulation

指導教授 : 林勝雄


本研究探討連續式臭氧氧化與化學混凝應用於處李染整廢水之可 性,其 間包含先臭氧氧化再化學混凝之連續同向多槽反應器處理與先化學混凝再 臭氧氧化之連續逆流填充塔處理等兩個階段。實驗第一階段研究結果指出 ,在適當的操作條件下,如廢水流量、臭氧濃度、廢水之pH 及化學混凝 劑藥量等等,此一結合臭氧氧化與化學混凝之程序能非常有效的去除廢水 顏色及降低 COD,而後續的生物處理程序能很快的降低處理過之廢水的 COD 而達到排放標準。使用臭氧去色之初步經濟評估,與原廠使用脫色劑 比較,約可節省原來成本的 27 %。實驗第二階段研究結果指出,逆劉填 充塔反應器處理能有效的提高臭氧吸收率,且縮短臭氧處理時間,大大的 降低臭氧處理成本,與原廠使用脫色劑比較,初步評估約可省下原來成本 的 53 %,而處理後之廢水水質較上階段為佳。本階段定義且計算出各操 作條件之臭氧真實利用率,藉此而找出這套處理系統符合經濟效益的最佳 操作條件,此結果可作為日後實際應用於工業染整廢水處理的參考。


The present research investigates continuous ozonation and coagulation for textile wastewater treatment. Two modes of operation were considered in this study. In the first case, continuous ozonation of textile wastewater in a multiple- chamber reactor was followed by chemical coagulation. In the second case , chemical coagulation of textile wastewater preceded ozonation in a packed-bed reactor. The first stage experimental studies revealed that underroper operating wastewater flow rate, ozone concentration, pH and dosage of coagulant, the combined process was very effective in reducing the color and COD of the textile wastewater.reliminary eonomical analysis indicates that decolorization by ozonation in lieu of decoloring agent could reduce the total cost by up to 27%. The results from the second-stage experiments had shown that ozonation in a packed-bed reactor considerably elevates the ozone utilization and reduces the time for decolorization. This lead to further reduction in total cost. Again, use of ozonation in lieu of decoloring agent would save approximately the total cost by 53%, which represents a doubling of the previous saving.oreover, the water quality of the present case was significantly better than that the previous case. The operating conditiionsbtained in the present and the previous investigations provide very valuable information for practical design of such a textile wastewater treatment process.


