  • 學位論文


The Effects of Spatial Correlation and K-Factor on MIMO-OFDM with Spatial diversity and Spatial Multiplexing

指導教授 : 黃正光


天線相關性和K參數對具有空間分集及多工技術之MIMO-OFDM系統的效應分析 學生:林亞珍 指導教授:黃正光 元智大學通訊工程研究所 摘 要 本篇論文以MIMO-OFDM 為基本架構,結合空間分集和空間多工兩種MIMO技術,探討在具有空間相關性和K參數衰減分佈的通道中傳輸性能表現.適用於論文中所使用的空間分集和多工技術分別為格狀空時編碼和垂直BLAST的技術.適用於802.16.3c SUI通道模型(Stanford university interim channel model )可以有效的表現出固定無線通道特性,是目前公認在測量結果,物理特性的解釋,及至轉換成公式的描述上,最完整最可靠的測試平台,可提供對MIMO系統的性能評估.論文中分別對SUI通道三個最重要的參數做介紹,包括K參數的設計,圓形都卜勒頻譜以及天線相關性.緊接著,分別討論具有空間分集和多工技術的MIMO-OFDM系統在SUI通道影響下的性能表現.最後,擴展架構由兩根傳輸天線對兩根接收天線到四根傳輸天線對四根甚至更多接收天線.並且利用MMSE-IC (MMSE interference cancellation) 和ML 解碼技術有效的解調原始信號.


The Effects of Spatial Correlation and K-factor on MIMO-OFDM with Spatial Diversity and Spatial Multiplexing Student: Ya-Jen Lin Advisor: Dr. Jeng-Kuang Hwang Department of Communication Engineering YUAN-ZE University Abstract This thesis is based on the structure of MIMO-OFDM system with spatial diversity and spatial multiplexing. We focus our discussion on space-time-block codes and V-BLAST for spatial diversity and spatial multiplexing, respectively. The IEEE 802.16.3c presents Stanford university interim (SUI) channel model for fixed broadband wireless communications. We introduce the key channel characteristics and offer several simulations of SUI channel models. We investigate OFDM over SUI Channels in different MIMO techniques. After combining the MIMO techniques with OFDM system under SUI channel model, we present the structure of STC-OFDM system and SUI channel model with more transmit and receive antennas. The transmit data is estimated by using the MMSE Interference Cancellation (MMSE-IC) and ML detection.


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[2] Efficient Signal, Code, and Receiver Designs for MIMO Communication Systems
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