  • 學位論文


The Study of the Systematic Allocation of Resource in Higher Education

指導教授 : 顧志遠


在近年來政府財政日趨吃緊狀況下, 面對有限之資源,高等教育資源規 畫的必要性日益顯現; 而教育部為了改善以往預算規畫方式而委託本校 之「高等教育管理決策支援系統建立計畫」, 本人有幸參與其中, 本論 文是延續此一計畫而對高等教育資源分配做更進一步探討所作之研究。本 研究從規畫的角度來探討高等教育之預算規畫與資源分配, 以資源系統 化分類、資源規畫架構模式化、導入數理規畫方法三管其下之方式對高等 教育資源分配所面臨之問題作一深入之研究。 系統化之貢獻為架構出完 整之高等教育資源分配規畫模式, 作為後續高等教育資源分配與預算規 畫之研究基礎; 模式化之貢獻是使得經費之使用能有一個明確的方法及 程序; 互動多目標數學規畫方法之導入可使資源分配工作具體化、科學 化, 對現實狀況多重目標之衝突情形獲取合理妥協之解答。本論文所提 出的成果是以元智工學院校內預算之分配作實證分析之探討, 藉此對高 等教育資源分配以本研究所提供的方式進行求解,一方面呈現出高等教育 預算分配的問題、另一方面使本研究方法之應用獲得更進一步驗證。


Due to the resource of higher education is insuffcient in R. O.C recently , the Ministry of education is necessary to deal with resource allocation of higher educa- tion carefully.The purpose of this thesis is to study the ideal model of resource allocation in higher education. According to the view point of planning , this rese- arch discusses resource allocation and budget planning in higher education by three methods -- to classify the resource of higher education systematically , to const- ruct a framework of resource allocation , to introduce the multiple objective programming into the model.Systema- tic classification can construct a framework of resour- ce allocation in higher education , and it becomes the base of further study.The framework of model provides the explicit method and clear procedure of budget planning.Multi- ple objective programming can help us make reasonable decisi- on and obtain the compromised solution. The result of this thesis is applied to the resource all- ocation of YUAN- ZE Institute of Technology.We solve the planning problem of resource allocation by the model of this thesis.On the one hand it reveals the issues of the resou- rce allocation in higher educationn , on the other hand it tests and verifies the theory of this thesis.


