  • 學位論文


The market survey and the introductory methodology development of the real time scheduling systems applied in the accuracy machinery industries

指導教授 : 張百棧


目前台灣的製造業面臨人力結構以及市場環境變動等因素的影響, 所以必須尋求生 產技術和管理上的改善,讓製造業有限的生產資源得 到充分的利用。而製造業的生產方 式大多是重複性(存貨)或間歇式 (訂單)生產,而此兩類的生產方式經常會面臨生產 排程上的問題, 引進有效的排程能使產能提昇、成本降低、交期穩定,並達到其他附加 價值的收益。 研究的進行主要分成三個部份,第一部份透過問卷調查及訪談方式瞭解工 廠生產特 性 ,瞭解工廠目前所遭遇的生產排程問題,分析工廠排程上 的困難,整理出該行業的生 產 特性,建立一預測生產問題發生機率之 模式來探討並評估現場排程系統導入的可行性 。 第二部份則針對工廠 設計現場排程導入方法,以使具適用性的工廠能依循模式逐步做 好 基 本資訊的建立,進而導入現場排程系統,以協助製造業在多變的環境中得 到穩定的 生 產排程;第三部份建立評估模式,以確定導入現場排程系 統後,已使現有產能得到應 有 的發揮。 依據本研究的深入瞭解,可探討排程系統對各類製造業的適用性。對適用 的廠商引 進現 場排程系統,依循一套有系統的導入方法,逐步的實行 各項程序,使工廠管理制度 化, 讓排程的觀念深植於廠內人員心中, 在全廠的配合下使排程系統達到最佳的表現。


At present, the manufacturing industries in Taiwan confront a great change in the man power supply system and the infrastructure of the market environ- ment. Therefore, they must rely on the production technology improvement and the management skill progress to fully utilize the finite production resources. Most industries in Taiwan are small scale and the production type are repetitive and discrete, therefore they will face the scheduling problem during the production processes. If they can derive an effective scheduling tool to solve the problem, they can raise the production capacity , cut down the production costs, and stabilize the shipping process to meet the due date. This research consist of three different parts. The first is to collect related information through company investigation to identify the major characteristics of the factory and to realize the current scheduling problem faced by the factory. Therefore, a forecasting model for scheduling problem can be developed to evaluate the possibility that an effective scheduling system can be put into execution. The second is to develop a way of introducing the scheduling system which means the company can follow the predefined steps to establish their own scheduling information system. The third is to build up an evaluation model which can evaluate the current scheduling process of the factory. The model can suggest an improving direction for the scheduling system in the future. Based on this research, we can realize the application areas of the scheduling system for different type of industries. The company can follow the introducing methods developed by this research to build-up their own scheduling information system. Therefore, the company can fully extend their production capacity and raise their production efficiency through this scheduling information system.


