  • 學位論文


Using Vision-Based Interactive Technology to Develop A Physical Fitness Examination System

指導教授 : 王照明


隨著國人對體適能的重視與電腦科技的快速發展,許多學者與專家都期望能藉由電腦的輔助,來提供更方便、快速與完善的體適能管理。本研究將提出一套以視覺互動導向之體適能檢測系統,運用網路攝影機(WebCam)價格便宜、體積小的特點,配合電腦視覺互動科技,開發一套新穎的體適能檢測系統。 本研究主要描述一套透過以電腦視覺進行評量、檢測,建構出個人的健康體能紀錄、透過數位化的資料與網路連結,提供分析體適能數據,以節省傳統體適能分析所花費的人力及物力支出,讓使用者可以方便的進行健康體適能檢測是本文討論的重點。 本研究之目的在於: 一、以電腦視覺互動科技來建立一套體適能檢測系統 使用電腦視覺技術的感測方式有著直覺、便利…等等優點,透過影像位移變化做為其感測動作的基礎,適合運用在肢體大範圍的運動,感測裝置不需接觸受測者,而不會影響檢測受測者的肢體動作。體適能檢測系統在結合其他互動裝置後,並且進行測量設計上的改變,將視覺感測技術運用在體適能檢測上。 二、透過建立常模對照表建立過程推演數據轉換之系統程序 透過整理相關文獻理論及現有體適能活動及系統,歸納出設計體適能的測量之項目、流程,並將檢測出來的數值與標準體適能常模做一比對,此一數據的轉換方式可以作為將來進行相關檢測的依據,讓未來相關系統亦可透過此一方式來進行數據上的轉換。 三、討論電腦視覺技術在體適能檢測系統的設計原則 透過實作與設計的過程,整合實際檢測過程與檢測後的訪談,整理出電腦視覺技術在體適能檢測系統的設計原則,提供後續研究開發之參考意見,提供電腦視覺應用於體適能之設計原則。 本研究經過設計四種體適能檢測活動,透過實際檢驗及檢驗後的評估,依照檢測數據建立出體適能對照表,並且確認過本系統具有其可行性。


體適能 互動科技 電腦視覺


Because of the importance of physical fitness and the rapid development of computer technology, a great amount of specialists are craving for a more accessible and complete computer assisted physical fitness management. This paper will propose an innovated physical fitness evaluation system, based on computer vision interactive technology, involving the use of WebCam which is relatively cheap and small. The aim of the research is to describe a system which uses computer vision to evaluate, examine and report one’s physical records. Comparing to the traditional physical fitness analysis method, this implementation saves a great deal of manpower and money. The main focus of this study is to allow the potential users to assess their health-related fitness more easily and more conveniently. The objectives of the study are: 1. To develop a vision-based interactive technology system to examine one’s physical fitness; 2. To establish a model as the norm to cross-refer the data gathered by the new technology; 3. To discuss the principles on developing computer vision technology related to physical fitness examination. This research has been designed four kinds of physical fitness examination activity and examined the valuation of physical fitness examination. According to the result examination, this system has its feasibility.


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