  • 學位論文


Examining Groupthink Phenomenon for The Decisions Made to Invest in Mainland China:An Empirical Study of Taiwan’s Electrical Industry

指導教授 : 陳啟光博士


從群體迷思現象的觀點來探討國內廠商投資大陸之決策過程 ─以電器電纜業為例 研究生:許國進 指導教授:陳啟光博士 元智大學工業工程與管理研究所 摘 要 本研究主要目的係以群體迷思理論的觀點,探討國內廠商對投資大陸決策過程的影響。所謂群體迷思是指群體在從眾的壓力下,會阻礙一些不尋常、少數或少見的觀點。近年來國內廠商為了延續企業的生存,紛紛轉往國外尋找合適的發展場所,其中以赴大陸投資最為熱衷。在這企業紛紛前往大陸投資的過程中,每個企業都本著放眼大陸根留台灣,但是實際上資金卻不斷的流往大陸,在這投資決策的過程中隱含著哪些對企業不利的影響是值得探討的課題,而相較於探討國內廠商赴大陸投資的決策過程是否會產生群體迷思的現象亦屬少數,所以想要了解國內廠商赴大陸投資是否有群體迷思徵兆的現象是一個非常值得研究的課題。本研究嘗試以企業海外投資模式配合群體迷思的理論為基礎架構,採用問卷調查與訪談的方式,對國內投資大陸的廠商,就其投資的群體決策過程進行探討。個案研究結果發現,具有群體迷思前置條件的決策群體,不一定產生群體迷思的現象;但是群體迷思徵兆顯著的決策群體,將導致決策品質低落與群體績效不彰的結果。上述各項分析結果所代表之意義,在本文中有進一步的探討。 關鍵字:群體迷思、大陸投資、投資決策、群體決策


Examining Groupthink Phenomenon for The Decisions Made to Invest in Mainland China: An Empirical Study of Taiwan’s Electrical Industry Student:Kuo-Chin Shu Advisor:Dr. Chi-kuang Chen Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine groupthink phenomenon of the decisions that are made to invest in Mainland China. As we know, many Taiwan’s entrepreneurs are eager to moving on their production bases to China in the last two decades. The reason why they are doing so is primarily due to the benefit of lower labor cost. However, the decision making for a business investment to oversea is a very complicated issue, therefore it is often in charge by a group. But the ineffectiveness of group decision is always criticized, such as groupthink proposed by Janis in 1972. This phenomenon involves nondeliberate suppression of critical thoughts as a result of internalization of the group’s norms. In this study, we intend to examine the decision made by the entrepreneurs under the framework of groupthink theory. The methods of survey and deep interview are used to conduct this empirical study. Firstly, 15 enterprises are surveyed for the significance of groupthink. The instrument used in this phase is Glaser’s 40-item-groupthink scale. And then, two of them are chosen as the subjects for deep interview, one is the most significant and the other is the least significant. The result showed that the antecedents of groupthink are not the crucial factors to cause the failure of group decision. On the contrary, the six defects are the main reasons to let group decision turn out to be bad. The interesting finding and its implications are further discussed in the following. Keywords:Groupthink;China Investment;Investment Decision;Group Decision


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