  • 學位論文


The Radio Spectrum Release For Mobile Telephone Systems In Taiwan

指導教授 : 曾盛恕 博士


[摘要] 無線電頻率如同土地一樣,是一種有限且極為珍貴的資源。特別是將其運用於行動電話系統時,其有限的特徵就更為顯著。處於分秒必爭的現代社會,隨身攜帶行動電話機已融入大多數國人的日常生活中。隨著資訊科技的飛速進步,民眾對於行動電話的需求日益殷切,且對其所提供之服務內容及品質的要求,也愈來愈為嚴苛。職是之故,提供行動電話服務的電信業者,對於頻率的需求也更為迫切,進而提出增配頻率的需求。 本研究依過去及現在有關我國行動電話頻率開放的情形,並參據相關的國內外文獻資料,以供給面、需求面、法制面及技術面等四個構面進行探討研究,從中找出一些值得注意的現象,俾做為今後規劃及開放是項無線電頻率之參考。研究結果如下: 1、由於政府並非無所不能,加上技術進步及數位匯流的趨勢,行動通信 業務應往僅核配頻率而不限定經營項目的方向去規劃。 2、未來經由競標取得頻譜之所有人,應包含管理權。藉由市場機制的運 作,可以達到最高之經濟效益和服務品質。 3、發照方式採混合許可政策(Hybrid Permit Policy),可更具有彈性及 獲致更好的福利成果。 4、由於行動電話頻率需求量頗大,且國際電信聯合會(ITU)所規劃之頻 譜中, 我國尚有許多既設電台,為期能適時釋出頻譜,有關頻率騰讓 機制之規劃宜及早進行。 5、在相同 的電波涵蓋下,3G的基地臺數量將較2G有過之而無不及。一般 民眾對 於電磁波影響人體的健康仍存有相當之疑慮。政府部門有關單 位應廣為宣導正確的資訊, 減少3G建設時所可能遭受到之阻力。 6、再過九年(約2010年),第四代行動電話系統(4G)將開始提供商業 服務, 其所規劃使用的頻率極有可能在3GHz以上,我國應隨時注意 ITU相關頻譜規劃會議的報導,及早進行頻率規劃及騰讓等相關作業。 隨著資訊科技的發展,隨時隨地能夠使用行動電話進行電子交易及傳遞資訊,已是進行現代商業行為的一種趨勢。因此本研究建議儘速建立頻率騰讓遷移基金,並且修改相關法規,使未來的行動電話所需要的無線電頻率得以適時開放,俾得以提供與先進國家相同的電信服務,有效活絡我國的經濟發展。


頻率 臨界質量 2G 3G 4G


[ABSTRACT] The radio spectrum very much alike land, which is scarce, finite and valuable resources. Particularly, to employ it for the mobile cellular telophone systems, its' limited character is more obviously. To be faced with the modern society of the time against, carry with the mobile phone already become most peoples' daily life. To follow the information technology's progress rapidly, the masses regard to the mobile phones' demand were more pressing gradually, moreover, to the service contents and quality's request are more and more strict. Therefore, the mobile phone's service providers regarding the spectrum are more urgent, for this reason, they raise the request for the additional spectrum. This research are according to the past and present which concerning the situation of spectrum release for the mobile phone systems in Taiwan, and refer to the relative domestic and international literature. Based on four aspects of supply, demand, legal system and technology. And try to find out some phenomenonna to deserve attention, to enable the guideline for planning and release of the radio spectrum. The research outcomes are as follows: 1.Owing to the government is not almighty, besides, the trend of technology progress and digital convergence, a scheme of the mobile communications services should be toward extent of flexibility. 2.In the future, to obtain the spectrum permit via competitive bidding, should contain the management rights. By means of the operating of market-based mechanisms, can be attained the most economic utility and service quality. 3.A license for the spectrum owner that use the hybrid permit policy, which can be more flexible and obtain more better welfare benefits. 4.Because of the requirements of the mobile phone's spectrum are very great, in addition, The spectrum already allocated by ITU, there are many existing stations in Taiwan. In order to release the radio spectrum in the nick of time, the planning concerning the replace mechanisms had better proceed as soon as possible. 5.Under the same coverage, the quantities of 3G's radio base stations are more than 2G. People were very anxiety about the physical health influenced by electromagnetic wave. In order to reduce the possibility of resistance during 3G deployment, the authorities should be widespread guide the correct information to the people. 6.In 2010, the fourth generation mobile phone systems (4G) will be start to sponsor commercial services. The planning being used spectrum are highly possible above 3GHz, the regulator should be pay attention to the reports of ITU's relative radio spectrum allocation conference, and continue the relative operation of spectrum planning and replacement as early as possible. Be accompanied with the development of the information technology, anytime and anywhere enable use the mobile phones to proceed with electronic tranaction and forward information, which already become a trend of proceed the modern business activity. Therefore, this research suggest establish reserve fund for the spectrum replacement. Moreover, to amend the relative laws and regulations, and make the spectrum requirements for the mobile phones are open at the right time in the future, which enable to provide same telecommunications services as the advanced countries, and active the economic development of Taiwan.


Frequency Critical Mass 2G 3G 4G


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