  • 學位論文


A Study of Security Infrastructure of Electronic Commerce Payment Transactions

指導教授 : 張百棧


由於網際網路的興起,電子商務是未來發展重點。但是目前有網路購物經驗的上網者仍是少數,其中的一項關鍵性因素便是在網路上仍缺乏付款機制的標準。為了解決這個問題,Visa與Master Card及lBM、Microsoft、Netscape等公司聯合發表SET(Secure Electronic Transaction),希望能解決電子商務付款機制缺乏標準的問題。SET應用了密碼學的技術與認證中心制度滿足了個體識別、資訊完整與私密性保護的要求。 目前市場上常見另一種線上付款系統是傳輸加密系統SSL (SecureSockets Layer Protocol),由Netscapc公司發展,目的是確保傳送兩端資料的加密保護,使得得傳輸的資料不會被第三人得知。因為SSL的方便性、建置容易與大廠支持等因素,SSL很容易被移轉成為電子商務的信用卡付款系統,也是目前市場上最常見的一種。 一般而言,網路上的商家接受多種不同的付款方式,像是劃撥、匯款、傳真信用卡號等,都是可行的付款方式,然而,在線上訂購之後,還要多一個付款的步驟,徒增消費者的困擾,但若是直接透過網路傳送信用卡號碼,又不見得安全。電子付款是電子商務不可或缺的一個部分,許多人之所以不願意透過網路購物,主要的原因之一就是因為線上交易的付款問題並沒有被滿意的解決。 本研究擬將探討網際網路、資料庫、網路傳輸及資料編碼加密等技 術,為消費者、網路商家及收單銀行模擬一套『安全付款伺服系統』, 藉 由本文之探討及模擬過程,實際說明網路資料傳輸安全與線上即時交易處 理等主題,並探討電子安全交易標準之推行受阻原因。




Due to the spring up of Internet, Electronic Commerce is an emphasis of future development. There are only few internet users experienced at Internet shopping so far. One of the key reason is the lack of the standard of payment infrastructure. In order to resolve this issue, MasterCard, VISA, IBM, Microsoft and Netscape, etc. united to announce the Secure Electronic Transaction infrastructure. Hope to provide the standard of Electronic Commerce for payment transactions. SET applied the technique and certification of Cryptogram to fulfill the entity identification, information integrity and confidentiality protection requirements. Presently, SSL is another common online payment transmission and encryption system developed by Netscape. Its aim is to ensure the data encryption from end to end to avoid the transmitting data to be snatched by third party. Because of the convenient, easy-built and supported by main vendors, SSL is very easy and common to be implemented as a credit card payment system of Electronic Commerce. General speaking, internet merchants can accept multiple payments like to transfer, to remit money or to fax credit card orders which are all acceptable. However, there is one more step to complete an online order is a persecution to consumers. But it’s also not safe to transmit a credit card number through internet. Electronic payment system is a must portion for Electronic Commerce. The main reason why people are unwilling to purchase via internet is the online payment system problems have’t been resolved perfectly yet. This study is to discuss with internet, database, FTP and data cryptographic techniques. And then to simulate a model of “Secure Payment System Server” for consumers, merchants and acquiring banks. A Study of Security Infrastructure of Electronic Commerce Payment Transactions. Practically to illustrate the secure data transmission, online transactions and also probe into obstructing of the standard of electronic security.


Electronic Commerce


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