  • 學位論文


Analysis and Evaluation of Process Planning for Prismatic Machined Parts with Multiple sets of Features

指導教授 : 鄭元杰


本研究提出一個在方形切削工件中多組特徵組分析與評估之方法, 其主要之目的在於評估多組的特徵組,進而找出最佳或是合適的特徵組以 產生製程。在特徵為基之設計中,可能存在有多組同樣有效的特徵組,可 表示同一工件之外型。本研究中首先處理在經由體積分解(Volume Decomposition)後之特徵總切去體積,可形成許多基本方形切去體積, 再利用此基本方形切去體積的幾何資料與其間之鄰接關係,以有系統之連 接與組合之方法,產生多組不同之特徵組,並進行分析與評估。 在連 結成多組特徵組方面,其方法是利用體積分解之後所得體積鄰接關係與幾 何資料,將相同高度之方塊先連結成較大之方塊體積,再以此方塊往三軸 方向連結更大之方塊,最後形成多組同樣有效之特徵組。由於此多組特徵 組代表多組可能即可行之製造程序,本研究中從製程規畫之觀點,分析及 評估多組特徵組之可行性或何組較佳。首先從刀具路徑的觀點分析規畫各 種特徵方塊之刀具路徑,並利用其計算刀具在每一特徵內切削路徑( Cutting Tool Path),與特徵間空切削路徑(Non-Cutting Tool Path) ,將此二者加總以得到一特徵組之總切削路徑之長短。比較其各組特徵組 刀具總切削路徑之長短為評估因素之一。另外,刀具於切削與空切削之行 經速率不一,故計算每組特徵組之總切削時間並比較,為評估因素之二。 接著從夾具夾持點的觀點以4-2-1之定位原則規畫夾具設計(Fixture Design),以夾持在切削特徵組所產生過渡工件,並比較夾具夾持過渡工 件所做之改變次數此其評估因之三。並且綜合以上評比之因素以便找出較 佳之特徵組,以利下游之電腦輔助製造來運用。 本研究結果主要貢獻 能於多組特徵組中,評估出一組較佳特徵組提供製程上之運用,並使電腦 輔助設計與電腦輔助製造做更佳之整合。關鍵詞:電腦輔助設計、電腦輔 助製造、刀具路徑、夾具設計。


In this thesis ,we develop a method to analyze and evaluate the multiple sets of features in the prismatic machined parts. In feature-based design, alternative sets of features can exist to represent the same part model. The main goal of this research is to analyze and evaluate these multiple sets of features in order to find a better set or the best set suitable for manufacturing process planning. In this research ,firstly, a volume decomposition method is used to build basic machined components from feature volumes. Then, a systematic method is developed to reconstruct the basic machined components to generate multiple sets of features. These multiple sets of features are then analyzed and evaluated from process planing point of view. There are two stages in this research. In the first stage, the multiple sets of features are generated by connecting the BMC with the same level and then connecting the blocks along three possible directions to build 3D features and generate the multiple sets of features. In the second stage ,the multiple sets of features are analyzed and evaluated from process planning of view by considering two factors, tool paths and fixturing design. Machining a part by using different feature sets requires different sets of tool paths that may differ in length of paths. A method for cutting tool path and non-cutting tool path planning and calculation of these prismatic features are developed. The multiple sets of features are then analyzed and evaluated by calculating the length of different tool paths. The total cutting time of each of these multiple sets of features is also evaluated. A method for feature-based fixturing design by using 4-2-1 location principle is developed to evaluated the fixturing requirement for machining the multiple sets of features . Since machining a part by using different set of features may produce different intermediate shapes during machining, there may require different fixturing methods for different intermediate shapes in machining different sets of features. The multiple sets of features are then analyzed and evaluated based on the times of the fixturing changeovers resulted from the different shape of the intermediate workpieces. Finally, all the above factors are combined to conclude a better set or a best set of features. The contribution of this research is to find a better set of features from the multiple sets of features. Such that a better way to integrate CAD and CAM can be found.Keywords:CAD, CAM, tool path, fixture design.


CAD CAM Tool Path Fixture Design


