  • 學位論文


An Application of Artificial Neural Network for the Estimation of Circular Arc Center and Its Radius in Digital Images

指導教授 : 蔡篤銘


本研究主要是利用機器視覺技術及類神經網路來估計工件外觀上含有 圓弧部份的圓弧半徑,使得以非接觸式量測的技術能更精確地應用在不完 整圓之半徑量測,本研究目前只適用於圓弧長度為已知時之半徑量測。所 以在本研究中,我們是以圓弧長度為90、60、45及30度等4種大小來做為 探討的對象。 對圓弧參數(圓心與半徑)的估計,一般是以最小平方法 來解決,但是由於在數位影像中的圓弧經過量化後,會受到圓弧半徑、圓 弧長度、圓弧所在位置、像素點數目及其他不可控制因素的影響,使得最 小平方法所估算出的圓弧半徑與實際半徑產生些許差異,尤其圓弧長度愈 小,則半徑誤差愈大,穩定性也愈差,因此本研究應用類神經網路的技術 來解決此一問題。而在本研究中是採用倒傳遞網路的技術,因其屬於監督 式學習網路,所以適合用來做預測。本研究方法是以圓弧長度、圓弧所在 位置及由最小平方法( 不偏倚最小平方法 )所估算到的圓弧半徑做為類神 經網路的輸入向量,並藉由倒傳遞網路的應用,得到一個新的半徑估計值 ,使得此新的半徑估計值能更加地接近實際半徑值,以提高估計的精確度 。關鍵字:機器視覺、圓弧估算、最小平方法、類神經網路、倒傳遞網路 。


This research uses the machine vision technique to estimate the circular arc center and radius of workparts comprising circular arc segments or circles with partially visible arcs. A common approach for estimating of circular arc parameters is the Least Mean Squares (LMS) method. The LMS is based on the minimization of the error between edge points and the estimated arc. Since the representation of a circular arc in a digital image is affected by the radius, length and location of an arc, the LMS is unable to find explicitly the parameters, especially for small circular arc. In this study, we propose Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to adjust the estimation error of the LMS. We adopt a back-propagation network to solve the problem. Only circular arcs with central angles degree 90, 60, 45 and 30 are investigated, and each central angle is modeled with a separate neural network. Bouh man-made artificial circles and synthetic circles are trained in the neural networks to estimate the radii of circles of interest. Experimental results have shown that the back-propagation network signally improves the estimation accuracy.Keywords: Machine vision, Estimation of circular arc, Least mean squares, Artificial neural network, Back-propagation network.


