  • 學位論文

考量產品配送下之多廠區訂單分配問題― 應用門檻值接受法

Solving Order Assignment and Products Distribution Problems of A Multi-Plant System Using a Double Threshold Accepting Algorithm

指導教授 : 蔡啟揚


產業競爭日益激烈,產品市場變化快速,企業為了爭取顧客訂單,不斷設立新廠以進行產能擴充,當企業的各個製造工廠具備不同生產能力及位於不同地區,產品配送成本便是企業進行訂單分配時所需考慮的因素,如何將訂單分配給適合的製造工廠使產品生產與配送之成本最小是本研究之目的。 本研究提出一考慮產品配送下之多廠區訂單分配模式,以外、內兩個門檻值接受法,以兩階段求解的方式決定第一階段之多廠區訂單分配決策,並將訂單分配決策交與第二階段決定產品配送路徑,考量兩階段決策互相影響下,求解多廠訂單分配中的工廠生產成本,及包含生產成本、產品配送成本及配送距離成本之總成本,再將第二階段之結果回饋於第一階段進行決策,以反覆影響的方式同時降低生產成本及配送成本,得到總成本最小之多廠區訂單分配決策。 本研究亦探討門檻值接受法之最佳參數組合,並以短期、中期、長期及不同廠區四個測試例題進行測試,結果證實門檻值接受法在處理多廠區訂單分配問題上有相當好的效率,而以產品配送距離作為訂單分配之決策因素,亦能有效的改善總成本。


As the industrial structure changing rapidly, in order to win over the product orders, industries expand their plants accordingly or integrate with others to increase their outputs. When the plants are located in different areas and have different capacity, they must consider the cost of products distributing. The aim of this research is assigning the orders to find the best order assignment to suitable plants to minimize the costs of production and distribution. In this research, a new multi-plant order assignment module with products distribution is considered and a double threshold accepting algorithm is proposed to minimize the total cost. The problem is divided into two phases, the first phase of the problem considers assigning orders to different plants, while the second phase deal with the product distribution routing problems after production. Since the two phases are inter-related, the algorithm applies a feedback mechanism and a iterative approach to take into account the mutual influence between two phases. As a result, the total cost of the system, including production cost, distribution cost and distance cost are minimized. Furthermore, this research also investigates the best selection of parameter values in the threshold accepting algorithm and four numerical examples are used to test the performance of the algorithm. The results show that this algorithm can solve the problem efficiently and effectively.


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