  • 學位論文

從合作的觀點論述 BOT 模式中公立博物館之經營管理

On the Management of Public Museums in BOT Mode from the Viewpoint of Cooperation

指導教授 : 王德育


本論文從探究 BOT 的意涵中發現 BOT 泛指各項以「特許合約」方式進行之有關「所有權」與「經營權」移轉之專案計畫;然而「合約」的簽訂僅是 BOT 政策下的手段,真正的重點在於經營權移轉後「經營」管理上的課題。而 BOT 的精神是建構於公、私部門「共同合作」的基礎上,唯有公、私部門共同秉持「合作」的精神來推動 BOT 專案計畫,才有可能為兩造在「經營」管理上創造出雙贏的局面。另從 BOT 專案之共性與失敗要素分析中,尚且歸納出推動 BOT 合作模式之成功關鍵實繫於「人」、「組織」(制度)以及「財務」等三方面之管理議題。 目前我國公立博物館在BOT政策下的經營模式與類型,在縣、市地方政府管轄下的中小型博物館將全部業務交與民間經營,國家級的公立博物館,而其經營類型主要可概分為「基金會」以及「公私合夥經營」兩大模式。不同的經營模式產生不同的服務品質。本文針對國內公立博物館在 BOT 化後型公立博物館則以 OT 或 BOT 的方式,將部分業務委託與民,如何利用「展覽」與「觀眾」互動關係,以提昇服務品質,提出兩點建議:首先,可回溯到美國創建博物館對其「公共服務」的內在本質上,充分運用「展覽」來達到教育公眾之目的;其次,則是 BOT 的博物館與「觀眾」之外在關係必須建立在以「顧客導向」為前提的平等、互動模式下。


The connotation of “BOT” implies all the special projects with regard to the transfer of “ownership” and “operational right” in the way of “chartered contract.” However, it is merely a kind of means for the signed “contract,” the main point of which focuses on the issue of management after the “operational right” is transferred. Since the spirit of “BOT” is established on the basis of mutual cooperation between the public and private organizations, it can reach a win-win goal only that both parties hold on to the belief of cooperation in promoting the special project of “BOT.” Through the analysis of the common traits and failure elements of BOT projects, the author induces that the keys of success in developing the cooperation mode of BOT lies mainly in three management issues of “human resources,” “organization (system)” and “finance.” Under the BOT policy, the management of public museums in our country currently appears in two main patterns: the small and middle museums under the jurisdiction of county and city government are entrusted to the full charge of private organization; whereas the large national-leveled public museums render part of their business to private organizations in the way of “OT” or “BOT,” which falls into two types of management as “foundation” and “partnership of the public and private.” Different management model results in different service quality. On the promotion of service quality by those BOT museums in employing the interaction of exhibition and audience, this study induces two suggestions: first, to reach the goal of public education through exhibition according to the essence of public service of the museums originated in the United States; second, to establish an equating and interacting model under the customers-oriented premise in enhancing the relationship between BOT museums and customers.


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