  • 學位論文


Construct an optimal purchase model of national immunization vaccine

指導教授 : 詹前隆


預防接種是每個人一出生就必須經歷的,它可以減少感染,避免死亡,是所有公共衛生工作中最具成本效益的「投資」。我國自1948年引進白喉類毒素起,開始了預防接種的工作,其間陸續推行白喉破傷風百日咳混合疫苗、卡介苗、口服小兒麻痺疫苗、日本腦炎疫苗、麻疹疫苗、麻疹腮腺炎德國麻疹混合疫苗等之接種。目前台灣藉由接種疫苗使疾病達到有效控制甚至根除的例子,包括有天花、狂犬病、白喉、破傷風、百日咳、小兒麻痺、日本腦炎、麻疹、腮腺炎、德國麻疹、B型肝炎和結核病等。根據預防接種歷史可明顯看出台灣在積極推行預防接種之後,有許多傳染病都能在短期之內根除或明顯的降低發生率及死亡率。 本研究主要探討如何擁有足量的疫苗及最佳疫苗採購政策,以最低的成本有效提升疫苗施打完成率,解決目前傳染病仍不定期發生的情形。疫苗採購政策的制訂,往往需要利用歷史資料來對未來作推估,作為疫苗訂購之參考。本研究利用預測方法如:時間序列法,來推估來年的接種目標人口數及接種完成率等相關參數。同時透過作業研究中混合整數規劃方法,來求得各衛生所間疫苗的調度及訂購量。 本研究考慮相關疫苗訂購目標以及限制下,如何決定採購疫苗數量及各地的疫苗調度及疫苗分配量。所推估的數據可作為全國性疫苗採購作業預算的參考依據,具有以下三點效益:(1)有效控制疫苗之存貨,減少不必要的存貨成本支出、提升疫苗品質並增進其使用效益。(2)配合廠商及國家政策進行疫苗單劑量、多劑量制定的依據,有效節省國家經費(3)科學化的方法推估各地疫苗的分配量,進行有效調配疫苗進貨量


Abstract The use of vaccines in Taiwan has greatly reduced the morbidity and mortality attributable to several childhood diseases, such as Smallpox, Rabies, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis, Japanese Encephalitis, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis-B and Tuberculosis, etc. Childhood vaccinations remain some of the most cost-effective prevention strategies available. This study aims to find out the optimum purchase strategy of vaccines, which means lowest cost, lowest inventory and lowest waste. Center for disease control (CDC) in Taiwan always wants to promote the childhood vaccinations rate to avoid the outbreak of infectious disease. The conventional method for planning the purchasing amount of vaccines depends on the historical data and rule of thumb. This study will apply Time Series Analysis to forecast the population size of newborn babies and the total vaccines needed. After that, Integer Programming will calculate the amount of vaccines to be dispatched to each public health bureau. Our approaches will have the following advantages. First, CDC will be able to control the total stock of vaccines to avoid unnecessary expenditure of inventory cost. Second, an optimum combination of single-dose vaccines and multiple-dose vaccines can save the cost. Third, the dispatch model among the public health bureaus will assure the sufficient supply and quality of vaccines.


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