  • 學位論文


A Research of the Government Public Relation-A Case Study on the Public Relations Department of National Fire Administration of Interior Ministry

指導教授 : 李弘暉


時處21世紀e世代的來臨,社會結構形態急據變遷,經濟自由化的開放競爭,民主政治的邁進與落實,新聞傳播媒體的發展與影響造成國內公關時代的來臨,值此凡事要求形象之際,企業必須具備良好的形象,以利擴展商機,政府施政需要與民意相結合,以爭取輿論支持,人際間的友好相處要溝通無礙,方能建立良好人脈,大從團體,企業,政府,小至個人,都愈來愈需要公關,目前無論在企業界、政府部門及其他團體機構,紛紛成立公關部門,聘用專業的公關人才來推動現代公關,以提升形象,加強與客戶、特定目標的公眾關係,甚至注重媒體的公共關係,以提升競爭力。 以今日資訊傳播迅速敏捷,組織不能自滿於默默耕耘的形態,應透過專業的公關運作,建立良好形象,擴大社會影響力,每個人接觸面對許多嶄新的訊息,如何讓組織以簡明扼要,提綱摰領的方式,將相關活動、政策烙印在公眾的腦海裡,是公關的一門學問,而政府機關為了執行公共政策、協助報導政府新聞、向大眾傳達活動、促進政府組織內部和諧,增進政府對公眾的敏感度、動員各方面的力量支持政府等功能,達到瞭解輿情、宣導政令、樹立良好形象與提升效率的目標,政府公關於是越來越被重視。 消防署自八十四年三月一日成立後諸多法案、條例亟待推動之時,強化國會聯繫,發展良性互動,圓滿達成各項消防施政作為,並以「主動行銷」的觀念,積極運用傳播媒體,強化公共安全宣導作為,彰顯政府對維護公共安全的重視,爭取民眾的配合支持與合作,進而充分運用民力,導引民眾進入消防全民化的時代,以加強消防工作的推行,即是本文探討的重點。


As the 21st Century, the e time, is coming, the structure of the society changes rapidly, the free competition in Economics, democratized in Politics, the prosperity of the Broadcasting conduct the time of the Public Relations Operation in Taiwan. Enterprises need a good image to develop their business. The good image may help the Government to get the Public opinion’s supports and the communications among people as to build up the good relationships. No matter the huge organizations, the small firms, the governments, or the individual, the Public Relations Operation is getting more important than ever. To promote the public image and the reputation and emphasize the relationship with customers or specific public people, the department of the public relations operation is established or independent from the other department in many fields such as the firms, government department, or other organizations. The promotion of the image will upgrade the competitive. In the environment of fast information communication, an organization should build up good image by professional PR to expand social influence, instead of satisfying current situation. New information flow to everyone. To let the activity and policy of an organization to be known by the public in a clear and well-presented way, need professional PR. The reason why the function of PR is getting more and more important, is because they can improve the internal harmony of the government department, increase the sensitivity of government to public, activate useful community to support government, achieve the goal of understanding public, image build-up, promote efficiency. NFAIM have many laws to be passed from March 1, 1995. In this situation, they have to increase communication with Legislator Yuan, develop good interaction, achieve every policy completely. With the concept of active marketing, NFAIM can use media to let people know the importance of public security and the emphasis of the government’s attitude to public security. In this way, they can have the support and corporation of the people, and further to perform financial resources of the people and spread out the fire knowledge to the people , in order to do further work of fire administration. This is the main point of view of this report.


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