  • 學位論文


An Application of Color Images for Leadframe Quality Inspection

指導教授 : 蔡篤銘


本研究的主要目的是使用彩色機器視覺,針對電晶體導線架 (Transistor)與發光二極體導線架(LED)的鍍銅部份,利用彩色影 像的色彩模式(color models)之色彩指標(features)組合檢測出在 電鍍過程中所產生的表面瑕疵。 目前檢測表面瑕疵的方法一般是利用黑白影像的灰階值(gray scale) 之分布來決定工件的表面瑕疵,但對於微小瑕疵或顏色產生些微變化時, 若使用黑白影像的灰階分布來決定表面瑕疵部份則檢測效果較差。本研究 針對導線架鍍銅部份使用彩色影像並藉由彩色影像中R(紅),G(綠)與B(藍 )三原色及各種色彩模式的指標以提供更多的資訊來表現出導線架工件的 瑕疵部份,而本研究的檢測方法是主要採用貝氏機率分類器(Bayes class ification),並利用由下而上的逐步搜尋策略(bottom-up stepwise search)找出最佳色彩指標的組合,以有效的檢測出具有表面瑕疵的工件。 在實驗中並探討光源亮度固定與光源亮度變動(亮度衰減)環境對檢測效果 的影響,由各種指標的組合進行導線架表面的分析,找出在光源亮度固定 及光源亮度衰退的情況下能適用於導線架之電鍍表面品質特性的最佳指標 組合,最後並利用所選取的指標組合進行工件瑕疵部份的分割,以驗證其 指標組合的適用性。


The purpose of this research is to inspect coppery surfaces of transisitor and LED leadframes in the electroplated process using color machine vision. Defects on coppery surfaces include oxygenation and various types of contamination, which are very difficult to detect in a gray-level image. A color image holds a richer information than the gray-level one. Color images may be represented by various set of coordinat es for the description of color characteristics such as hue, saturation and brightness. In this research, 31distinct color features from 13 existing color models have been investigated. Bays classifier is used to distinguish between defect and non-defect surfaces of leadframes. The best combination of color features used in the Bayes classifier is selected using a bottom-up stepwise search procedure. Both constant lighting and varying lighting that simulates the decay of illumination in industry environments are considered, and their corresponding color feature sets for best discriminating surface defects are determined. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated by segmenting defects in color images. Experimental results have shown that Bayes classifier with multiple color features has better discrimination than that with single gray-level feature.


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