  • 學位論文


Monitoring and Characterizing the Process Mean Shifts by Artificial Neural Networks

指導教授 : 鄭春生 博士


在統計製程管制中,使用管制圖的目的之一是用來判斷製程中是否存在可歸屬原因。當可歸屬原因存在時,其造成的可能影響之一是使製程平均值產生偏移。當一個管制法偵測出製程已產生偏移後,我們希望可以進一步地估計其參數偏移的程度。在偵測到平均值偏移後,估計平均值偏移量是一個相當困難之問題。因為一方面我們希望管制法能儘快偵測到平均值之偏移,但另一方面我們可能無足夠之數據來正確估計偏移量。傳統的管制圖雖然可以有效地偵測出製程平均值是否已改變,但無法提供有關製程平均值偏移量的訊息。本研究之目的是發展一個製程平均值偵測系統,可以在偵測到製程平均偏移後,同時正確地估計其參數偏移量,讓工程人員可以立即調整製程參數,以使得製程能儘快地回復到管制內。 本論文提出兩種以類神經網路為基之系統架構,用來偵測製程平均值是否改變及估計製程平均值之偏移量。第一種架構使用一個類神經網路,用來同時偵測製程平均值之變化及估計其偏移量;第二種架構為由兩個類神經網路所構成的二階段式架構,第一階段先判斷製程平均值是否改變,如偵測出異常,則進入第二階段估計其偏移量。 本研究是以模擬方法,估計平均連串長度及平均絕對百分比誤差來評估類神經網路之效益。經由深入之分析及比較,我們的研究結果顯示類神經網路在偵測平均值偏移及估計平均值偏移量上,其效益均較CUSUM管制法為佳。另外,本研究也發現第二種系統架構之成效均比第一種架構為佳。 本研究之主要貢獻乃為發展一個創新方法來建構訓練樣本。利用此訓練樣本所訓練的網路在偵測製程平均值偏移及估計偏移量上均有很好之成效。本研究所發展之類神經網路能夠正確估計平均值之偏移量,此比過去之研究中,類神經網路只能做偏移量之大略分類,在實務使用上更有應用之價值。另外,本研究也以數個數值範例說明本研究所提出之類神經網路在實務界製程管制之應用性。


Control charts are the most commonly used tools for monitoring process mean shifts in manufacturing and service industries. Besides the use of control charts in monitoring process and identifying assignable causes, quality practitioners frequently need to adjust processes based on the magnitude of change. Once the control chart issues an out-of-control signal, an immediate step to identify assignable causes further is to estimate the magnitude of a specific process change. A process control method will be more effective if the change magnitude can be estimated when a process mean has changed. In this study, we propose a neural network-based approach to monitor the process mean shifts and to predict the magnitudes of shifts. Two models have been developed and compared. In the first model, a back-propagation neural network is used to detect process mean shifts and to estimate the magnitude of shifts. The second model is a two-stage approach. At the first stage, a back-propagation neural network will be used to detect process mean shifts. At the second stage, a second back-propagation neural network is used to estimate the magnitude of shifts as soon as the first neural network signals an out-of-control situation. The performances of neural networks were evaluated by estimating the average run lengths (ARL''s) and mean absolute percent errors using simulation. The results obtained with simulated data suggest that neural networks outperform CUSUM charts in terms of ARLs and estimation capabilities. The results also indicate that the second model has better estimation accuracy. The unique feature of this research is a novel approach to generate the training data set. Some numerical examples are presented which demonstrate that the proposed neural networks are applicable to practical manufacturing processes.


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