  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Tolerance of Dimension and Geometrics for Prismatic Machined Parts with Multipe sets of Features

指導教授 : 鄭元杰


本研究計畫提出一個考量了幾何公差在內,以公差分配分析評估方形切 削工件多組加工特徵組的方法,進而找出最佳或是合適的加工特徵組以 產生製程。在特徵為基模式中,一工件之外型可能存在有多組同樣有效 的特徵組表示,原則上一組特徵組代表一組加工製程。本研究計畫使用 公差圖之方法,加入了幾何公差限制,分析各加工製程順序,得到工件 各加工部位加工尺寸之最佳公差,得到以製造公差為觀點下最佳的特徵 組。 在設計規格藍圖尺寸、藍圖公差及幾何公差己知的情況下,在每一加工 程序中,進行加工尺寸之決定及加工公差之分配。由於有多組可行之切 削特徵組,因此有不同之公差分配方法。而在加工成本考量上,加工公 差寬度分配越大則表示加工限制較鬆、較易加工,成本就較低,因此若 能找出一組加工特徵組,其加工公差總成本之結果是較佳或最佳,則可 決策為較佳或最佳特徵組,以建立最佳製程。 本研究所提出之研究方法是輸入工件在設計上之藍圖尺寸及公差、幾何 公差、代表多組特徵組之多組製造程序、各製程之公差極限、同一加工 面切削加工前後之切削量及公差和各製程在經濟效益上之權重。使用公 差圖技術及幾何公差限制的方法來分析得到工件之藍圖尺寸、幾何公差 是與哪些加工步驟有關,利用此關係列出限制式,並設立求解之目標函 數,使用線性規劃方法得到工件各加工部位加工尺寸之最佳公差,比較 各加工順序所得到之目標函數值。 本研究計劃之主要貢獻為將幾何公差,配合公差圖技術,以製造公差之 觀點來評估具有多組特徵組之工件,以分析評估得出較佳製程或最佳製 程。


多組特徵 公差 幾何公差 公差圖


This research provides a method that considered by geometrics tolerance to evaluate the multiple set of features in the prismatic machined parts. In the feature-based model, a part model can be represented by alternative sets of features. A set of features represents a set of machine sequences. Under the limitation of tolerance geometrics, this research uses the tolerance chart to analyze each machine sequence, then find the best set of features from the manufacturing tolerance point of view. To distribute machine tolerance and decide the dimension in every machine sequence under known as blue-print dimension, blue-print tolerance and geometrics tolerance. With multiple alternative sets of prismatic features, there are different ways to allot tolerance. Considering the cost of machine, the bigger of the tolerance width, the looser of the limitation. To find a set of machine features which has the better (or best) tolerance cost, then we can decide the features to construct the best sequence. The research method is to input blue-print dimension, tolerance of a part, geometrics tolerance, multiple sets of machine sequences represented by multiple feature sets, the limitation of each machining, and the weight of economic efficiency in every machine sequence. Using tolerance chart and limitation of geometrics tolerance to find the relative machine steps of a part blue-print dimension and geometrics tolerance. With this relation to find the objects and subjects, using linear programming to obtain the best tolerance of every machine dimension of part, and comparing with objective value of every machine sequence. The main contribution of this research is to analyze and evaluate the best machine by tolerance chart technique in geometrics tolerance to evaluate a part of multiple sets of features on machine tolerance point of view.


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