  • 學位論文


XML-based Personal Web Annotations

指導教授 : 楊正仁


人們在閱讀文章時會習慣在文字下畫線、在空白處寫重點、或是用螢光筆標註重點。 這些都可以幫助人們紀錄文章的重要資訊。 網頁是一種電子出版品,在網頁上加上註解更可以幫助使用者清楚地標註和紀錄網頁重點部分。 對於使用者而言,將不再只是被動地瀏覽網頁,而是可以主動地對網頁內容有所回應。 網頁也會因為註解的關係進一步地延伸成為紀錄個人意見想法的網頁。 我們進行個人化網頁註解研究有下列三點原因: 第一,在目前常用的瀏覽器中網頁註解功能還是很少見。 第二,就某些現有的網頁註解工具而言,使用者必須登錄到一個遠端伺服器,但是這卻使註解的動作有許多限制。 因此對於使用者而言,在對網頁作註解的同時並不需要遠端伺服器。 第三,之前的註解系統並沒有同時考量到其系統的開放性和擴充性問題。 所以我們希望提供一個具有開放性和擴充性的工具,讓使用者能夠對網頁加上註解,並且不需要連上遠端的伺服器。 在本篇論文中,我們提出一個具有開放性和擴充性的個人化網頁註解工具設計,稱之為 WebPAT (Web Personal Annotation Tool)。 為了達到開放性和擴充性的目標,我們利用 JavaScript 實作網頁註解功能及 XML 來描述註解內容。 WebPAT 提供了下列註解:產生個人註解、管理和編輯個人註解、多媒體註解、個人註解的分享、和搜尋個人註解等。 目前我們已經在 Microsoft Internet Explorer 實作了WebPAT 雛形系統。 從雛形系統的驗證中,WebPAT 確實提供了一個具有開放性及擴充性的個人化網頁註解工具。




Annotating paper documents is one of the most common activities in reading. However, annotating Web documents is not as straightforward. The first obstacle comes from the fact that not only the content but also the layout of aWeb page may be often changed. The second obstacle exists because until recently most of annotation tools focus on collaborative annotation, rather than user-centric annotation. Users cannot make any personalization or extension locally. Extending or adapting the annotation functionality is thus system-wide. In this thesis, we present an open and extensible annotation tool called WebPAT. It addresses three issues: extensibility, openness, and user-centricity. To achieve the extensibility and openness goals, XML is used as a core technology to describe the annotations and JavaScript is used for open function design. In addition, it supports user-centric functionalities that can be achieved locally without needs to interact with remote servers. To date, a preliminary prototype has been implemented on the basis of Microsoft Internet Explorer. Though WebPAT currently lacks some fancy drawing facilities, it indeed shows an open annotation architecture that is highly extensible for future development.




Collaboration Around Documents. In Proceedings of CSCW 2000, pages
309—318, 2000.
[3] Robin Cover. The XML Cover Pages. http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/xml.html.
W3C, December 2001.
[4] Laurent Denoue and Laurence Vignollet. An Annotation Tool for Web Browsers
