  • 學位論文


The effect of Relationships between Demand Qualities on Quality characteristics in Quality Function Deployment

指導教授 : 鄭元杰


有關新產品開發的過程,從顧客潛在或模糊的需求到新產品的出現, 其間的過程其實可說是一條不甚清晰的路徑。品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD),又稱品質屋(House Of Quality, HOQ)的特 點著重於起始階段,藉由對顧客需求的探索、揭露及轉化來執行產品定義 ,並以此整體性資訊的轉移進行產品設計及其後的製程開發及生產製造。 利用QFD可以將此不清晰的路徑,較明確的描繪出來。 在各階層轉換之間,因為無法將顧客需求適切且完整的轉換成要求品 質或品質要素,難免會有差距的產生,為了避免累積太多的差距造成展開 到最後卻模糊了原先的顧客需求,在本研究中我們將先前大部份文獻都未 提及的品質屋左側之要求品質間相關聯強度權重加入考慮,將要求項目間 的相關性大小以模糊數等方法加以分析判斷,而後將之加入原始權重中考 慮,並研究其對品質機能展開法的影響。藉以補強傳統品質機能展開中層 級分析法僅考慮要求品質間相對強度而未考慮相關性強度之缺點。


Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a planning methodology for translating customer needs into appropriate product features. In QFD operation, relationship matrices are used to describe the relations between different customer needs, different design requirements and customer need and design requirement. These relations are expressed using linguistic or crisp variables. Linguistic variables characterized by ambiguity and multiplicity of meaning. Current research in QFD focuses on two areas: simplification of the documentation process and computerization of QFD. The effort to address the semantic in the linguistic variables, however, has been neglected. This research provides the consideration of relationship-weight that between different customer needs, using fuzzy number to analyze, then put them into consider in customer ratings. After this, we can strengthen the weakness in traditional QFD that considers only relative strength, but no relationship.


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