  • 學位論文


Optimum Operations For Cold Air Distribution System

指導教授 : 蘇 艾


為降低空調系統之尖峰耗電量,台電公司實施儲冰系統離峰用電優惠電價,以鼓勵中央空調用戶設置儲冰系統,來轉移尖峰用電。而低溫送風系統因利用儲冰系統低出水溫度的特性,可減小冰水泵,冰水管徑等尺寸,除了能減少空調設備的初設費用之外,亦能在尖峰時段降低冰水泵與送風機的運轉電費。 而因台灣常處於高溫高濕的環境條件,濕氣負荷亦會消耗不少空調系統之能源,而低溫送風系統因除濕能力較傳統送風溫度系統強,所以所需的冷能消耗也就比較大,而本實驗之分量儲冰系統在夏季時,儲冰槽提供的冷能僅約佔總空調冷能的30%左右,因此本實驗希望藉由低溫送風系統出風溫度的重設,在仍能滿足空調舒適度的條件下,找出最佳的操作方式,以降低整體空調耗電。 由實驗結果顯示,當出風溫度由原設定值每提高1.8℉, 室內顯熱比RSHF值則隨之提高0.02~0.03左右,而室內相對溼度也是相對地逐漸提高,除了能降低冰水側冷能外,也能改善室內相對溼度過低造成太乾燥的情況。而出風溫度的提高會增加AHU送風機的送風量,也就是增加了送風機的耗電,但是與冰水側冷能的耗電成本比較,在夏秋季節的高溫高濕條件時,仍能達到節能的成效,但是在低溫低濕的冬季條件時,則效益較低,因此低溫送風系統的出風溫設定必須依據季節性的溫濕度條件,方能達到降低空調系統之總運轉電費的目的。


To reduce peak electic demand of HVAC system,Taiwan Power Company use specialized electric utility rates to promote thermal storage air conditioning system to shift on-peak load to reduce the energy﹒Because of lower supply air and supply water temperature of cold air distribution system,air and water distribution equipment can be downsized,and reduce on-peak running cost﹒ In Taiwan, HVAC system consume more cooling energy in high temperature and humidity conditions,and because of good dehumidification ability,cold air distribution system need more cooling energy than traditional air distribution systems﹒In summer ,this partial ice storage system offer 30% cooling energy,so this experiment want to find a optimal control strategy to reduce gross electric cost of HVAC system﹒ Experimental result indicates that RSHF will increase 0.02~0.03 per 1.8℉ increase in supply air temperature,and room relative humidity also increased﹒Not only reduce cooling energy,but also improve room air condition result from supply air temperature reset﹒In summer and fall season,increased supply air temperature will increase electric cost of supply fan,but compare with the cost of cooling energy,we still get energy saving benefits﹒But in low temperature and humidity condition,there were less benefits﹒Supply air temperature reset must depend on seasonal temperature and humidity condition ,so that we can reduce gross electric cost of HVAC system ﹒


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