  • 學位論文


A Study of Duct Flow Passing in A Channel with Cylinder Sources

指導教授 : 王立文




混合對流 質傳 圓柱 傾斜


An experimental investigation of mixed convection mass transfer from a cylinder and a plate mass sources flow of a CuSO4+H2SO4+H2O solution will be carried in an inclined rectangular channel with an electrochemical system . The purpose of the present study is to investigate laminar fully developed flow in inclined rectangular channels with the types of the boundary of test section are: (A) cylinder is cathode and top plate is anode (B) cylinder is anode and top plate is cathode (C) cylinder is cathode and bottom plate is anode. The influence of the mass transfer rate and the boundary types between the sources has been investigated. The experiments would include three parts : (1)inclined angle θ= 0°(2)inclined angle θ> 0° (3)inclined angle θ< 0°. To visualize the flow, the shadowgraph technique will be used. Electrical measurements will be used to obtain mass transfer rates and to infer a Sherwood number. The ranges of the parameters in the work are Ar=1, Sc=1700~2400, Re=50~300, Gr,m = 1.88×105 (Red = 7.94 ~ 34.93,Gr,m* = 4378),θ= -22.5°~ 22.5°,d / H = 0.125. The mass transfer rate, Sherwood number, increases with increasing Re for a fixed Ra,m and increases with cylinder change from anode to cathode. When cylinder is cathode, Sherwood number increases with increasing absolute inclined angel. When the cylinder is anode, Sherwood number increases with increasing inclined angel, but quaking decreases with decreasing inclined angel.


mixed convection mass transfer cylinder inclined


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