  • 學位論文


Research of Post Exchange Strategies on Factor of the SuccessIndustry -The example of Air Force Post Exchange

指導教授 : 曾盛恕博士


隨著國民所得的提升與工商社會的發展,消費能力日強及生活方式轉變的影響,台灣零售業之經營型態大為改觀,近年通路結構一改以往由產品供應商主導局面,轉而由位居通路末端的零售業主導,在營業額扶搖直上,民間消費能力持續轉強,商業營業額創近年來高成長率。尤其是涵蓋百貨、超市、便利商店、量販店等綜合零售業在展店迅速、市場不斷擴張下,表現十分亮麗,在廠商積極拓展店數與民眾消費特性轉型下,百貨量販店及連鎖便利超商未來可望大幅成長,而福利總處如何掌握核心競爭力,學習產業關鍵成功因素,順利轉型以照顧軍(榮)眷福利,將是如何自處、存續的關鍵? 目前軍中營站雖有商品價格低廉之優勢,但卻無法與便利超商相抗衡,而漸失競爭優勢,虧損連連,很明顯的,便利商店數量迅速的成長,走向經營之連鎖化,且競爭之白熱化,欲在同業中脫穎而出,贏得銷售先機,業者在其有限的店面,有限的陳列商品下,積極的活用其商品策略,除了有形商品以質取勝外,而更重視擴展無形商品的發展空間,不斷發展服務性商品,例如代收水費、停車費、電費、瓦斯費………等。這些商品原本國人須於特定時地繳納,帶來許多人的不便,今移轉於到處林立的便利商店所服務,且可24小時不受時地限制的使用,此為業者奉行「顧客導向」之理念,並未提升競爭力而求新求變以順應多元顧客需求之作法;另一重要的是在此每筆「積少成多」利潤,亦可刺激對其他商品之購買需求,使的30坪店面,充滿了無限的商機,亦衝擊了國軍福利市場。 國軍福利市場是屬於封閉的消費市場,對顧客的需求及通路商的競爭威脅,反應較弱,而近年來零售市場的重大變革,使得強調服務與便利性的便利商店,如雨後春筍般地紛紛設立,造成傳統的零售市場面臨重大的衝擊,而國軍福利市場亦受到重大影響,因此,營站如何改善經營策略及服務品質,以提升顧客滿意度,將是影響國軍營站經營績效的主要關鍵因素。所以,本研究希望能透過文獻探討連鎖便利商店經營關鍵成功因素,進而瞭解國軍官士兵選擇營站及便利商店購物的需求因素,並找出通路競爭策略,以策略矩陣分析營站及便利超商之間的競爭優劣勢,提出改善建議與策略供福利總處參考。 關鍵詞:便利商店、競爭策略


便利商店 競爭策略


As the increase of national income and development of industry and trade society, consumption capability promotes day by day and the type of life change, retail trade transform mostly in Taiwan. Recently structure of market change by the product supplier governed in the past and turn to the retail trade of market of extremity, under turnover improved continually, folksy consumption capability constantly become better, commerce turnover created high growth rate lately. Especially the integrated retail trade consisted of general merchandise, supermarket, and convenience store etc. opened quickly for business and market continuously expanded, performed excellently. Under merchandiser positively opens the number of shop and the characteristic of popular consumption change. Shopping mall and convenience store can greatly grow in the future. How about the general welfare service grasps the core of competitiveness? And we learn critical success factors of industry to transform successfully that take care of the family dependant on the military (the veteran servicemen). How about it the cruces operate and subsist? The military Post Exchange has an advantage of inexpensive prices of commodity. However, the quantities of convenience stores rapidly grow and operate toward chain store by providing many convenient services such as, allowing people to pay their water rate, parking fee, electronic and gas bills…and so on. The military Post Exchange cannot contend with convenience shops and gradually loses competitive advantage and deficit. Hence, this research intends to discover the elements that make the convenient stores become a successful industry in order to advice the military Post Exchange better strategies to operate its business by the features and advantages. Key Words:Convenience Store, Competitive Strategy


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