  • 學位論文


Benefit Analysis of Fuel Cell Electrical Power System of Telecommunication Site Equipments of Mobile Cells

指導教授 : 蘇 艾 翁興中


摘 要 本論文研究係針對燃料電池設備運作於行動電話基地台供電系統之可行性進行評估,茲將各項結論條列如下: (1)在5 個大型MSC站台和2440個小型基地台,裝置16 組200KW燃料電池和7320 組2.1KW燃料電池,其初期設置成本在9年期間,將可獲利新台幣160,030,000元。 (2)如果將此獲利金額用來建構一個行動電話業者9年優惠電價的建議方案,則優惠電價將為每千瓦小時0.29元新台幣,其為目前國家電價2.52元的12%,故本研究之建議方案具相當的市場競爭力。 (3)如果合理的電價優惠價格為國家電價的九折,則本論文研究9年燃料電池的發電獲利將可達3,055,234,107元新台幣,其已超過新台幣30億元,甚為可觀。因此,燃料電池設備裝設於行動電話基地站台,有其實質上的經濟效益,確實為一可行的乾淨能源離散式供電系統替代方案,其亦是最有效的溫室效應氣體減量技術的新科技之一。


Abstract In this study, the feasibility of the fuel cells application to the power supply system of GSM cell sites is evaluated. The following conclusions can then be found : (1)If one mobile cells company installs 16 sets of 200 kw fuel cell and 7320 sets of 2.1 kw fuel cell at 5 MSCs and 2440 cell sites, it may have the overall benefit of 160,030,000 NTD after cost benefit analysis for the design point of the 9 years life cycle of fuel cells. (2)If the above benefit is employed furthermore to provide the suggestion proposal of the discount price of the electrical power for the 9 years life cycle of fuel cells, the surplus power generated by fuel cells in this study can be sold at 0.29 NTD per kwhr. It is 12% of the national average electrical price. It presents obviously the significantly competitive power in the market of the electrical power. The national average electrical price is 25.2 NTD at the present time. (3)If the reasonable electrical price is assumed at 90% of the above national average electrical price, the total benefit of the suggestion proposal of the discount price of the electrical power for the 9 years life cycle of fuel cells will reach 3,055,234,107 NTD. It has been over 30 hundred millions. It is a very considerable benefit. Therefore, the economic effects of the fuel cell electrical power system of telecommunication site equipments of mobile cells are essentially positive in this study. The fuel cell may certainly be employed to work as a feasible, clean, and separated supply system of the electrical power. It also is one of the most effective and new technologies to reduce the greenhouse gases.


[2] 低溫燃料電池應用與規劃研究計畫八十八年度期末報告,經濟部能源委員會出版 ,八十八年五月。
[3].低溫燃料電池應用與規劃研究計畫八十八下半年與八十九年度第一次期中報告,工研院能資所出版,八十八年十二月。 版)


