  • 學位論文


BBN-Based Project Risk Management

指導教授 : 范金鳳


造成軟體專案管理困難的主要原因為軟體發展過程中存在許多不確定性因素(uncertainty),影響軟體生產力及品質表現。本論文利用貝氏信心網路(Bayesian Belie Network,BBN)來發展軟體專案風險的管理(Risk Management)技術。我們提出一套有系統的程序,透過貝氏網路處理不確定性的技術,建立風險歷程檔案(Risk Profile),在整個專案計畫進行過程中,持續地監控(Continuously Monitoring)專案成敗的機率,並判斷目前軟體專案的狀況是否潛藏可能產生重大的風險(risk identification)。並透過此程序,可以更進一步的發現造成此風險的原因(risk detection),並將此資訊提供給專案管理人員,管理人員可以透過此資訊、根據本身經驗與實際限制,採取有效的策略,以降低專案失敗風險所帶來的威脅。 本論文應用BBN提出一套軟體專案風險管理的程序演算法,並以靜態實際案例的分析及動態的模擬測試,以評估本方法的有效性。我們的分析及測試的結果均證明我們方法有效地輔助管理人員掌握與控制不確定因素,以於風險管理,此外,貝氏網路也提供讓軟體專案風險管理與決策過程證據更透明化。


The main reason causing difficulties in software project development is uncertainties. Such uncertainties might affect the quality of software product and effectiveness of the software process. We proposed a project risk management scheme based on Bayesian Belief Network This systematic method includes risk assessment, continuous risk monitoring using profiles, risk analysis and risk treatment. Our method can identify potential risks and trace them back to possible causes so as to assist the manager to manage software project risks. This thesis developed a risk management algorithm based on BBN; it also employed case studies and simulation tests to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Results of our analysis and simulation show that the method can effectively assist the manager to handle uncertainties. Besides, BBN provides visibility and repeatability of the decision making process in the risk management. Thus, this method lowers the probabilities of project risks and enhances project success .


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