  • 學位論文


The Marketing Strategies of Mainland China and Taiwan Women Websites

指導教授 : 王小惠 博士


女姓網站經營進入障礙低,競爭者眾多要真正獲利難,因此女性網站必定要有良好的行銷策略,兩岸女性網站競爭趨於白熱化,共同在華人市場中競爭,在此階段分析與比較兩岸女性網站行銷模式是必要的。 本研究主要分析台灣與大陸兩岸女性網站行銷策略,並比較兩岸女性網站定位及其策略之異同。又未來的女性網站發展趨勢為何?本研究之研究問題如下:一、瞭解台灣女性網站個案之行銷策略。二、瞭解大陸女性網站個案之行銷策略。三、比較台灣與大陸女性網站行銷策略。四、探討兩岸華語女性網站未來的可能發展。 本研究欲瞭解兩岸女性網站行銷策略,本研究回顧定位理論、網站特性,參考Simeon(1999)提出的AIPD模式與相關文獻探討後,形成本研究觀念架構與七項網站行銷分析要素。本研究之研究方法為個案研究方法,研究個案為台灣與大陸各三家經營較成功的網站,資料蒐集方式為網站資料、相關報導、直接及參與觀察等。 研究發現,台灣女性網站屬於「小而美」模式,規模較小,但台灣女性網站內容較多元,網站服務較有特色,例如「養男人」遊戲。台灣女性網站行銷能力強,發展獨特的網站行銷模式與經驗。大陸網站屬於「穩定成長」模式,網站資源豐富,大陸女性網站最大的優勢,為虛擬社群發展完整,而大陸網站也逐漸擴展手機、語音等加值服務。 兩岸華語女性網站未來的可能發展,台灣女性網站投入華文市場,以大陸為主要發展區域。女性網站經營以核心服務為主,其他服務以策略聯盟互相支援。女性網站加值服務推陳出新、加值服務為網站帶來營收。


Women websites do not have high entrance barriers. There are many competitors but few of them can profit. Therefore, they must own good marketing strategy. In the Chinese women website market, the competition of those from Mainland China and Taiwan had come to a climax. In this phase, it is necessary to analyze and compare their marketing patterns. The main purpose of this research is to analyze their marketing strategy, and compare the differences of their positioning strategy. And, what is the trend which the women websites will develop? Topics of this research as follows: 1. To realize each Taiwan women websites’ marketing strategy. 2. To realize each China women websites’ marketing strategy. 3. To compare the marketing strategic differences between Taiwan and China women websites.4. To discuss the likely development of mandarin women websites in the two sides of Taiwan strait. This research intends to understand the marketing strategies of Mainland China and Taiwan Women websites. The conceptual architecture of this research and seven website marketing factors are formed by reviewing positioning theory and website characteristic, corresponding to the AIPD mode which was proposed by Simeon in 1999 and referring to relative articles. The method of this research is case study. The cases are each three successful websites form China and Taiwan. Collected data are websites materials, relative reports and direct involved observation. Research found that women websites in Taiwan are “ small but sweet.” However, Taiwan women website is relative small size, but the content they developed are more diversified and their website services are more characteristic such as “raise man.” Taiwan women websites have strong marketing ability and develop unique marketing models and experiences. China women websites are “grew steadily” mode. They have abundant website resources. The well-developed virtual communities would be one of their biggest competitive advantage. They gradually expanded Value-Added Services such as sending short messaging, and voiced phone services…etc. For the development of mandarin website in the future, Taiwan women websites will aim at China market. Women websites focus on major core service, other services will be backed up by strategic alliance. Women websites will update and diversify their Value-Added Services which can bring profit.


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